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battery camera and i cant see it on my laptop.

Community Member

This is the response i get from Nest/Google about my new battery camera no connecting to my service on my laptop.

(googles comments)

However, the new Nest cameras and doorbell are exclusive to the Home app because we wanted to create an integrated experience with your speakers and displays. A Nest Aware subscription applies to all of your cameras, speakers, and displays in the same home structure. Thank you for your continued patience, and support. I am more than happy to assist you further with this inquiry if you wish. Please let me know.


I call bull**bleep** on this. Integrate it with the old system so I can see the new camera with the other ones. You created a system that does not integrate with current products but makes my ability to use my camera on my laptop impossible. For a forward thinking company you forget to look back and see all the people that supported you by purchasing your system in the past. Then you **bleep** on them. So i need to dump my old camera and get all new ones, oh wait i still can't see them on my laptop, Way to piss consumers off.

Looking to other systems.

Can you guess I am a little pissed off.





Google Nest has not resolved its two-app situation, but you CAN view the livestream from ALL your cameras on the "preview" website.  (It's still very much a beta website, with glitches.)

Community Member

Yea I can see the both style of cameras but I cannot view history or record history. This is not the system it used to be. 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


Thank you for your feedback on this, I fully understand the frustrations of not having your new Nest cams in the Nest app like you may be used too. However, the new Nest cameras and doorbells are exclusive to the Google Home app because we wanted to create an integrated experience with your speakers and displays. 


You can now use the Google Home web app to view your cameras and doorbells. A Nest Aware subscription applies to all of your cameras, speakers, and displays in the same home structure. Thank you for your continued patience, and support. 


Best regards,


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there,


Checking in — we hope you've got the answer you're looking for. Let us know if you need anything else.


I appreciate the help here, MplsCustomer and Brad.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello joebernier,


Just checking in to make sure that you've seen our responses. Please let me know if you have other questions or concerns as I will be locking this in 24 hours if I won't hear back from you again. Feel free to start a new thread and we'll be happy to help. 
