03-30-2024 07:04 AM
This is an issue that other redditors are having as well. A couple of days ago I woke up and found that my Google speaker groups were no longer working. I did a factory reset on speakers multiple times and uninstalled and reinstalled Google Home without any luck. What is occurring is that when I create a speaker group, I am unable to actually play music through it through YouTube music or any other app. When I start to play music in YouTube music and then switch over to Google Home and click on the music that's playing, you can click on what is casting to and then you can add additional speakers, but when I do this, it continues to say that it cannot connect to the speaker and tap to retry. The whole reason I switched from Amazon product to Google product is specifically because I wanted to use YouTube music and have it connect to the speakers through a speaker group. I've completely lost this ability. Is there any assistance that can be provided? Thank you.