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Electric Car Charging?

Community Member

Hi all, we are in the planning stages of building our house from scratch. I want to have a smart home and am looking at smart home ecosystems. I love Google devices, so it makes sense to consider setting up Google Home with all the relevant devices. However, I can't find anything on the subject of connecting your electric car to the ecosystem. I found this ability in another smart home ecosystem, so can Google Home do it or not? Or am I that bad at Googling?


What I specifically have in mind:

- my house will have EV charger that will charge my electric car

- I want to be able to set charge on/off, set up charging schedules, and view current car battery charge level - all from my Google Home app that possible?

1 Recommended Answer

Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

I mean that's really a question for the various charging station companies , as they would program that stuff not Google.  


This article should help, the first one says it's compatible with google home among others.


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Platinum Product Expert
Platinum Product Expert

I mean that's really a question for the various charging station companies , as they would program that stuff not Google.  


This article should help, the first one says it's compatible with google home among others.


Perfect, this makes total sense!

Community Member

Hello! I am interested in where I can find qualified attorneys who specialize in truck accident cases in Chicago. I would appreciate recommendations of law firms or attorneys who have experience with these types of cases and can provide quality legal assistance. I am also interested in information on how to choose the best attorney for these types of cases and what criteria to consider. Thank you!

Community Member

Truck accidents can be complex due to a variety of factors, including commercial trucking laws and liability. You need attorneys who understand the nuances of these cases and can protect your interests. A good place to start is by researching online and reading ratings and customer reviews. One recommended resource is This site will provide information about the attorneys’ qualifications, experience, and successful truck accident cases. This will help you make an informed choice based on facts and customer reviews. You can also schedule a free consultation to discuss your situation and learn how an attorney can help you. Don’t delay in seeking help—the sooner you get started, the better your chances of success.