07-15-2022 09:47 AM
I'm exhausted talking to Google support so i figured i would post this here for others. After spending countless hours on the phone with support, and god knows how many cases I've opened, i guess my next stop is the better business bureau. Long story short is i bought a floodlight with camera, paid $170 for installation. After the installation only one light would go on. I called support to request a replacement. They sent me a link to order a refurbished device at the same cost as the new equipment which is really wrong. So i called to stop it, but they sent it anyway. So now I have two of these things, perhaps I'm the unlucky one who has the only defective device in history but i now have two of these things. So after about 10 cases, i acquiesced and said just install the refurbished one and I'll return the old one. But google is telling me i need to pay for the installation all over again. So the install cost me $170, when the technician came he hit me up for another $150 to wire it, and now wants another $100 to replace the old one. So the install is costing me more than the unit, every call to Google goes in a circle and ends in emails with links to the useless website or "'we'll get back to you" but of course no one does. Do yourself a favor and buy it from Amazon and avoid ending up like me.