04-20-2024 05:20 PM
Hi everybody,
I have been having issue with Google Home, everything was ok, I had several devices been managed through the app, of different locations, after recently try to added a new device to one of the houses.
The devices of the other houses started to be displayed as without connection, I can not remove them to try to add them again, when I tried to unlinked them, this display the three providers list, just to ask for allow or not link devices, now allowing me to remove them. now I have also an issue with my phone and Google Assistance, when I talk to this to set a timer, my phone and my assistance put a timer each one, before the phone ignored this and just the timer was set in the assistance.
Can you please to help me to erase all Home data to try to reset all my configuration devices? I deleted home from my phone and installed again but this don't help data saved on my account must be deleted to try to reset my environment. Thanks
04-21-2024 08:43 AM
Hi Friends
Yes i have some problem. But not find anyway.
For exp. Automatic open light at nine pm.
And than automatic open tv or clima.
But i dont.
İf you help anypeople
Write. To me
Please have good days.