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Help identifying my thermostats wires

Community Member

Good morning,  I hope I made it to the correct area for help. The compatibility checker told me yo seek advice from the Google nest support chat. However I'm unable to find the chat or a phone number.


So here it is! 


My house has oil furnace and AC and these are the colors and wires that are behind my thermostat.


Blue, green, yellow, white and "RC which is jumped to R"


Could anyone tell me if my system is compatible?


Thank you!





Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Blackcreed,


Thanks for reaching out in the Google Nest Community forum. We need the labels where those wires are connected. I'd like to ensure the wiring configuration of your system to the Nest Thermostats. Could you please share with us the photo of the wires connected to your system's control board? Ensure that the labels of the wires are visible. 




Here's some pictures, everything is correct except the blue wire coming from the thermostat.ostat is coiled up at the furnace and not landed on the C terminal... I belive this wire was a spare. I checked voltage between R and C at the furnace and its 25V... it almost looks like o could hook up my blue to the C at the furnace and wire that in to my nest as the common.


I'm not am expert, but I've been over thinking this whole thing.

I also uploaded the pictures of where the C terminal goes down to the blower motor.

Thank you 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey Blackcreed,


Thanks for posting the photos of the wires you have on your system's control board. Fortunately, your system is compatible with the Nest Thermostats. Please disregard the jumper wire connected to both RC and R, as the Nest Thermostats don't need it. Also, you can use your common wire for your thermostat to have sufficient power. 


