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Hey Google command for playing live TV (UK)

Community Member

I'm looking for a way to automate switching on my Sony Bravia (KD-65XG8096) and make is play live TV, specifically BBC 1 on channel 101 (UK digital terrestrial TV). I'm able to successfully switch it on with the - type: device.command.OnOff function, but then I'm struggling to get it to switch to live TV. 

My TV doesn't seem to support the following, even though 'livetv' is an option from the drop-down:

- type: device.command.SetInput 
  newInput: livetv

and returns the following error: [livetv] is an invalid enum string. The list of valid enums: [HDMI 1, HDMI 2, HDMI 3/ARC, HDMI 4].

I have also tried a bunch of assistant.command.OkGoogle with little joy. "Play channel 101 on Living Room TV" or "Play live TV on Living Room TV" etc etc.  These commands either don't work entirely, or play YouTube videos with similar sounding names!

Please help!

Many thanks