10-22-2022 02:01 PM
First up, Is Google's 'Nest' the same as my 4 piece WiFi Mesh system I bought at Costco? That's already confusing, but it gets better! I got all 4 Mesh Points (units) distributed throughout the one-story house and all show "great connection" when running the supplied test. I have set the WiFi on my phone & tablet to the first Mesh point named "Office Desk", which is wire connected to my Modem/Router and shows the strongest signal one of all my other WiFi's. Here is where I'm ignorance gets in the way:
Why does the WiFi meter on my tablet show 8 (eight) different set of numbers or addresses for the same initial point ("Office Desk")? Here is one example: (b0:6a:41:e8:0e:15)
When I walk through the house, away from the first Point "Office Desk" where the WiFi meter is on top, the meter goes down, even though I walk by the other 3 points. If I stop and find the right one of the other 7 named "Office Desk", the meter up again. My question is: Shouldn't the other Mesh Points carry on the signal? Isn't that the entire purpose of a Mesh? I'd appreciate any good advice. 🙂
11-02-2022 04:41 PM
Hi Flwolf,
That certainly hasn't been easy for you ― let’s check this out.
Check out this link for you to be able to compare our Google WiFi and Nest WiFi routers.
For your other concern, the connection differs on each WiFi point depending on its location, the distance and the things in-between them.
For more information, I need you to open this guide. It will help you a lot on how to place your devices to gain the most out of it and also have a better understanding of how Google WiFi works.
Tell me how it goes.
11-05-2022 04:56 PM
Hey there,
I wanted to follow up and see if you still need help. Please let me know if you are still having any concerns or questions from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.
11-06-2022 04:13 PM
Hello again,
I'm just checking in to make sure that you've seen our response. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns as I will be locking this thread in 24 hours.