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Internet Calling

Community Member

I want to purchase a Google device to be used to play Google Books and also make phonecalls.  My godmother is blind and lives 3 hours away.  I have set up an account for her and added her friends as Google Contacts.  I am going to visit her and have the following questions for set up.

1.  What is the best device for sound and microphone quality?  (She is blind snd will be using the device to make calls BUT without using Google Duo - just saying "Hey Google, call John." Where John is a contact.)

2. Does she require a device that remains in the same location as the Google product or can I set it up when I am there and then control adding books and contacts from my home on a different wifi network?

3.  Are there other considerations?

Thank you kindly!



Hi there,

1, I own all the Google Home and Google Nest speakers and displays apart from the Google Home Max which is now discontinued. They all have adequate microphones and speakers for calls and audiobooks.

2, As long as you have access to the Google account that the device is set up with you will be able to purchase audiobooks and add contacts to that account.

3, The voice calling feature differs in what options are available in different countries. In the UK where I am we can only use Google Duo for calls. Have a look at the Google Nest help center link below for more information about this feature..

Make calls: 




HI Cathal,

Thank you so much.  So the device that controls the account doesn't have to be with the Google unit?  I would control the account from three hours away.

My mom, who is also blind, currently uses a Google home mini to make calls without Google Duo but people complain that she sounds distant.  So I was wondering if I could purchase something more updated with better audio and microphone for each of them.  My mom has an iPad at her place, but I do access her account from my home, so I was hoping I could set up the same for my Godmother but wasn't sure if she needed an iPad or tablet at her place as well.

I appreciate your help so very much and will check out the link.


Hi again,

Yes you will be able to add contacts and purchase audiobooks from another internet connection at any location.

Edit: No other device is required at the location of the Google speaker after initial setup. You can add contacts and purchase audiobooks just by having access to the Google account that set up the device from a different location.

The newer Google Nest Mini does have more microphone's built-in than the Google Home mini (1st gen). Have a look at the Google Store link below for more information about the different speakers available.

Google store: 



