11-22-2022 06:24 AM
In my kitchen I have recessed ceiling lights, kitchen island lights, and kitchen table lights. They are all hue bulbs. Hue is synched with smartthings and smartthings synched with google home. In smartthings, I have these lights in a room named "Kitchen" and then in that room, I have them grouped as "Ceiling Lights," "Kitchen Island Lights," and "Kitchen Table Lights." In the Google Home app they are all just in the "Kitchen" room. However, I have always been able to say "Hey Google, turn on/turn off/dim the Kitchen Table Lights." And even though this group only existing in smartthings, it always worked. As of this week, this stopped working. The problem is, I have no separate physical switch for the kitchen table lights. So when I want to adjust them, I have to get my phone now, open the app, and make the changes.
Is there some way to get back control of the Smartthings light groups to work again in Google Home? It would be ridiculous to have to create 3 separate rooms in the Google Home app for lights in my kitchen. Plus if I did that, I would not be able to tell Google to just turn off the kitchen lights or dim all the lights in unison.
11-26-2022 12:19 PM
Hi winterwolfes,
Thanks for posting.
It’s me again. Let me help you on this one too. Like how I instructed you on the earlier thread, you can do a sequential reboot. First, unplug your Nest speakers/ displays and turn off the lights in your kitchen for 30 seconds, then do the same thing on your Wi-Fi router to refresh both devices and your Wi-Fi signal.
Keep me posted.
11-26-2022 01:12 PM
Hi Juni! I'm starting to realize I have problems with almost all the those third party devices throughout my entire house. I have the bond ceiling fan control and Now when I tell Google Assistant to turn the ceiling fan light on or off, It responds that it's turning off or on every light in my whole house. Something went haywire here a week or so ago. I'll try turning all the speakers off, unplugging everything including my router and see what happens.
11-26-2022 01:14 PM
Also I forgot to mention it's not just any particular speaker. I have minis, hubs, and nest audio speakers, and the problem happens on all of them. It's even an issue using Google Assistant on my phone. It's strange because the devices show up on the Home app on my phone, and I can control them from there but I can no longer control them with my voice.
11-26-2022 02:49 PM
Hi there,
Thanks for the details you provided. I’ll wait for your update after you do the sequential reboot. Let us know by updating this thread, and we're glad to assist you further.
11-27-2022 05:11 PM - edited 11-27-2022 05:18 PM
Hi Juni. So I unplugged all my speakers and all my devices. I then unplugged my router. I then plugged the router in and then after it was started up, I pulled in everything else. Still have the same issue with third party devices. I cannot voice control them on the speakers or my phone. BUT I did discover something. Google assistant will no longer turn on/off "works with google" devices via voice by device name, it will only turn them on/off using the room name. So I lost the ability to voice control individual devices. See the attached screenshot. You can see under the room "Backyard" I have the device "Patio Lights." I used to be able to say "Hey Google, turn off the Patio Lights" and it would work. A week ago this stopped working. But I can turn them on and off tapping the Patio Lights button in the Home App. If I say "Hey Google, turn off the Backyard Lights" it works. So I can no longer turn on just the devices in my room but have to do the whole room. Same thing happens in my bedroom. I have a bond ceiling fan controller and I used to be able to tell Google to turn on/off the ceiling fan light, but now when I do, it turns on/off all the lights in the house. If I tell it to turn on/off the bedroom lights, it works. So it looks like I lost the ability to use voice control for individual third party devices in my rooms. In the Kitchen, I have my lights set up in groups in smartthings and I used to be able to tell google to turn on/off those individual groups of lights but that no longer works, I can only turn on and off the whole room.
11-29-2022 11:40 AM
Hi winterwolfes,
Thanks for trying that. Sorry that you are still experiencing the issue.
Can you try this command? Say “Hey Google” then “Sync my devices” then observe if this will make a difference. If it did not and I know this is a lot to ask, but, let’s try to unlink and relink your lights and observe if this will fix it. You can check the steps below.
Unlink devices:
Relink devices:
Check this helpful article too. Let me know how it goes.
11-29-2022 11:54 AM
I told Google to sync my devices and it still did not fix it. I then unlinked and relinked the devices and still when I tell google to turn on the Patio Lights it says "Sorry it looks like those lights haven't been set up yet. You can do that in Assistant Settings."
11-29-2022 12:01 PM
Update. So I have been telling it "Turn on the patio lights" and it always worked up until recently. BUT I just figured out I have to now say "Turn on patio lights" and it works. I can't sat "the" patio lights anymore. That was never a problem before. Same thing worked with my ceiling fan light. If I use the word "the" it won't work. If I say "turn off the ceiling fan light" it turns over every light in my home. If I just say "turn off ceiling fan light" without the "the" then it only turns off that light. This was never an issue before. Weird! That is an annoying way to have to speak to it now.
But I do still have an issue with the grouped lights in smartthings. As I described previously, my kitchen lights are divided into 3 groups in smartthings. Kitchen Ceiling Lights, Kitchen Island Lights, and Kitchen Table Lights. I used to be able to turn on the table lights by just telling google "Turn on the Kitchen Table Lights" even just saying "Turn on the Kitchen Table" used to to work. Now it just tells me that it does not understand.
12-01-2022 01:19 PM
Hi winterwolfes,
Thanks for the details you provided. Could you try to rename the room and see if this will make a difference? Check the steps below.
Rename a room:
Keep me posted.
12-02-2022 06:23 AM
That did not work. I give up. I just created routines to do everything now since I lost the ability to control them with my voice.
12-02-2022 02:06 PM
Hi there,
We appreciate you trying the steps. Feel free to reach out again should you have more questions/suggestions - we are here for you.
12-03-2022 02:10 PM
Hello there,
Buzzing in — do you still need our help? Don't hesitate to reach back if you do.
12-04-2022 03:51 PM
Hi winterwolfes,
I'm sorry to hear that the functionality that you would like to use with your devices isn't working, but we appreciate you for trying on different ways to control it. Let us know if you still have other questions and concerns otherwise, I'll be locking this thread after 24 hours.
Best regards,