10-19-2023 01:23 PM
I've had a Google mesh network for some time, back when it was managed by Google Wifi. Sometime back, I did the conversion to Google Home and everything has been fine. Until now. It appears I've got an updated Google Home app on my phone and the wifi is missing. It's found other devices such as the cameras, the robot vacuum, etc. But wifi is missing. And try as I may, I can't get it to find it.
When you go to "Set up a device", Google Wifi isn't listed. If I choose New device, it never detects the primary point. I've tried unplugging it for a bit, then re-attaching the power. It doesn't go in to a slow blue blinking mode, it's a fast one. I suspect this is because the network is already set up.
What do I have to do to get this re-linked? I frequently used the "set priority" option, which I can no longer access.
10-24-2023 11:41 AM - edited 10-24-2023 11:42 AM
Hi kduling,
I know how it feels when something isn’t working the way it should. Let’s further look into it. Let’s try to do a manual factory reset on your Google Wifi device.
Google Wifi (2nd gen): factory reset button is at the bottom of the device.
Google Wifi (1st gen): factory reset button is at the side of the device.
Let me know how it goes.