Nest doorbell is too hard to hear compared to ring. Any hacks?

Community Member

Ring doorbells have chime extenders you can place around the house to always be able to hear a ring.  Nest does not, so often you simply are not near the home chime and can't hear it.   Does anyone know of a hack to be able to hear the Nest wherever you may be, even if you are not carrying your phone?  The settings have little or no effect, btw.  And it still would not affect the physical doorbell chime.  


Community Member

I currently use my nest doorbell with google home speakers.  Works well and the volume can be adjusted.



Same thing here; we turned on "Visitor announcements" for our doorbells ( and get those announcements on our Nest Hubs and Nest Mini.

Community Member

OK thanks for that.  Unfortunately I'm pretty much full-on Amazon devices and the Ring platform and just ended up with the Nest doorbell when we moved.  Was hoping to make it work with existing hardware.  I wish the main home automation platforms would be more friendly to each other.  


This Google Nest Help topic says that if you have a 2nd gen Google Nest Doorbell, you can get visitor announcements on an Alexa:

(We have the old Nest Hello doorbells.)

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello everyone,


@ggarrick, thanks for reaching out to the Community. I wanted to check if you still need help with the Nest doorbell. Have you seen MplsCustomer’s response above? If yes, how was it?


Feel free to reach out if you have other questions so we can take a look, or visit our Help Center for handy guides on how to fix a problem with Nest cameras and doorbells.


I appreciate your help, MplsCustomer and Jason3675.


