07-12-2024 03:09 AM - edited 07-12-2024 03:13 AM
I created this script to make my two splits of the Mitsubishi air conditioner automatically activate when the nest thermostat detects a temperature higher than 29 degrees
name: Turn on AC when hot
description: Turn on AC when hot
- starters:
- type: device.state.TemperatureSetting
device: Nest
state: thermostatTemperatureAmbient
greaterThan: 29C
- type: device.command.OnOff
- Split Mitsubishi 1
- Split Mitsubishi 2
on: true
it works perfectly
I created another script that does the opposite, i.e. when the nest thermostat detects a temperature below 26 degrees it sends a command to turn off the air conditioners
name: Turn off air conditioner when the temperature rises above 25C.
description: Turn off air conditioner when the living room temperature rises above
- starters:
- type: device.state.TemperatureSetting
device: Nest
state: thermostatTemperatureAmbient
lessThan: 26C
- type: device.command.OnOff
- Split Mitsubishi 1
- Split Mitsubishi 2
on: false
in this case, however, the script cannot be activated because it generates an error
the command [OnOff] with [action.devices.types.AC_UNIT] at this time is not supported.
why does it give me this error when there are no errors for ignition?
07-12-2024 05:14 AM
Try using the OK google command instead of device.command
- type: assistant.command.OkGoogle
okGoogle: Turn off Split Mitsubishi 1 and Split Mitsubishi 2
devices: (Any nest speaker or hub in your home)
07-12-2024 05:22 AM
thank you very much for your reply but I don't have a speaker or a google hub at home, I would like to make everything fully automated
the particular thing is that the script does not give errors for switching on for high temperature but the same script does not work for switching off if the temperature is too low
in practice the on command works while the off command does not work
Thanks again!
07-12-2024 06:45 AM
The problem is that not all devices will accept all possible commands available from the script. For example, when I try to use motion detection from my nest cameras, they pop up in the list when creating the script but won't verify because they are not compatible with being used as a motion starter. It's most likely that the Mitsubishi integration is what's rejecting the off command.
In that case, the only other way I can think of to deliver the off commands would be to use something like a Broadlink RM mini in each room to send IR commands to the units as if they were the remotes that came with the heads, or, if the remotes are RF units you could get away with one RM Pro. Just be warned though that if this is the way you want to go, it's not as simple as sending an off command. You would need to install the devices with the Broadlink app, Integrate Boadlink within the Google Home app, then you would then create a couple of scenes in the Broadlink app called Mitsubishi 1 off and Mitsubishi 2 off. These scenes would be programed using the Mitsubishi remote controls. Then to turn them off, you would call the scene within your script.
- type: device.command.ActivateScene
activate: true
- Mitsubishi 1 off
- Mitsubishi 2 off
07-12-2024 06:51 AM
Hello GBD
yes it could be a solution, perhaps a little too complicated for a simple shutdown command that does not work😀😀😀
but at the moment it may be the only possible solution
thanks for your reply
09-01-2024 07:54 AM
This is exactly what happened to me yesterday.
I agree with the temporary solution, but I hope the mistake will be corrected ASAP: strange that the "true" is working and the "false" no.