01-23-2024 05:29 AM
Hello everyone,
I'm attempting to make my own set of Home/Away routines that can be interrupted in case we have a babysitter or guest staying over (so that all our lights and the heating/cooling doesn't shut off on them if we leave). I currently have the following Away Routine which works perfectly:
name: 1 Away Mode
description: Turn off all the lights when we are away, except when Guest Mode "plug" is activated
- type: home.state.HomePresence
state: homePresenceMode
is: AWAY
type: device.state.OnOff
state: on
is: false
device: Guest Mode - Guest
- type: assistant.command.OkGoogle
okGoogle: Turn off all the lights
devices: Family Room Audio - Family Room
- type: device.command.OnOff # Turn the device on or off.
on: true
devices: Front Door Cam Plug - Kitchen
- type: device.command.ThermostatSetMode # Set the target operating mode for a thermostat device.
thermostatMode: eco
devices: Thermostat - Dining Room
Where I am struggling is with the Home routine:
name: 1 Home Mode
description: Turn the thermostat back on when returning home
- type: home.state.HomePresence
state: homePresenceMode
is: HOME
- type: device.command.ThermostatSetMode # Set the target operating mode for a thermostat device.
thermostatMode: on
devices: Thermostat - Dining Room
Right now the options for thermostatMode are on, off, eco, heat, cool, and heatcool. "eco" turns on eco mode, but there is no way to turn eco mode off. You have to specify heat, cool, or heatcool. On only turns the thermostat back on if it is off.
Right now, I'm just trying to remember that as we change modes, we need to manually update the script to match. But is there a way to just turn off eco mode, or remember the previous mode from the Away routine and reapply it to the Home routine?