08-18-2022 02:48 AM
I have the Hub max and iPhone with GE Cync lights. My routine shows up on the Hub and will start with voice command but does not start on its own at sunset. Digital well being is disabled and I am in the U.S.
Why does it not start on its own based on the sunset trigger?
08-24-2022 12:44 PM
Hey Fanta,
Thanks for reaching out.
A few questions: was it working before? Are you using ready-made or custom routines? Also, the routine triggers at the time the sun rises and sets, based on a chosen location.
Make sure your Google Home and Google Assistant apps are updated.
Double check your device and home address on the Google Home app.
Try creating a new routine.
If the issue persists, try resetting your device to its default settings.
Let us know how it goes.
08-27-2022 10:06 AM
Alex Thank you for your reply. I have solved my immediate need by using the GE Cync application to create a scene based on sunset trigger. It works well. The google environment seems too unstable to rely on its routines.
I checked everything you suggested and tried to create a new routine. My location is correct, it works if I manually stated it. My next step was to take the HUB to default settings. That seems like a drastic action as I would have to reconfigure many devices. I will retry that just validate the fault. At this point my confidence level in google routines is low. Too bad because I invested a lot in google products.
08-27-2022 11:55 AM
Hey Fanta,
We appreciate the steps you've taken and we apologize for the inconvenience. I also suggest that you send feedback using your devices by saying, "Hey Google, send feedback," or by following the steps on this link. Let me know if you have other questions or concerns.
08-30-2022 12:00 PM
Hi Fanta,
As we got our resolution here, I'm going to mark this thread as resolved. I'll be locking this thread if we won't hear back from you again in 24 hrs. Should that happen, feel free to create a new one if you have more questions or have other concerns in the future.