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Turning an exhaust fan on and off according to a temperature reading

Community Member

I have an exhaust fan in an outbuilding that needs to turn on if the temp rises above 85 and turn back off if the temp falls below 80.  I am using google home automations to do this and it works, but not automatically.  The temp sensor is made by UbiBot and the fan turns on through a smart plug-in device that is controlled by Brilliant Smart.  Both companies and devices are linked with google home.    The problem i am having is, the routine will not run unless I open the Device control tab on an android device my account is logged into.   When that updates it reads the temp in the outbuilding and runs the called for routine (exhaust fan either turned on or off).  Is there a way to set an automatic refresh time for google home?  I have tried leaving the device control screen open on a tablet that has constant wifi access and never shuts down but that is not doing it.  I am currently using IFTTT to perform the same type of routine and it works fine.  I want to get rid of IFTTT and strictly use google automations.    Any help is appreciated.  Thank you.


Community Member

you could set up a scheduled task on a computer or a Raspberry Pi to trigger a dummy command on your Google Home every few minutes. This dummy command wouldn't affect your devices but could act as a trigger to refresh the connection and update the temperature reading