02-16-2023 05:56 PM
I upgraded my WiFi AccessPoints in my house that has a Nest Thermostat (not Google) and 6 Nest Protects. My new APs required a password to access WiFi (unlike my old/replaced APs). I read on the Nest Support site that I had to Remove the Nest Protects using the iOS Nest App then add them again. I launched the Nest App (latest ver 5.70.0) and pressed "Add Product" which asked me to "Scan the [QR] code" or "Continue without scanning". I've tried both of these approaches (scan and no scan) to add a Protect with the same failed result. I pressed "Nest Protect" on the Add product screen, entered the 6-digit entry key from the back of the Protect, I then press "Next", choose "Living Room" then the app says "Connecting to a Nest Product in your home to assist with setup" and shows a Nest Thermostat (mine is working just fine on the new WiFi network) trying to connect to a Nest Protect. Then after about 15 seconds I get "Something went wrong" and an error "P030". If I press "Try again", same failed result.
I've pressed the front button on the Protect and it says it can't connect to the network.
These Protects and the Thermostat ALL worked fine on the prior APs. The Nest Thermostat works well on the new APs.
These Protects should just connect to the new WiFi like the Thermostat did, right?
02-16-2023 08:19 PM
You need to factory defaults all of the Nest Protects and set them up again.
Just press and hold the button on the Protect until it starts to read the version number and then release it. If you hold it too long it will just reset.
02-17-2023 09:47 AM
I did the factory reset on the Nest Protect. Then used Nest App (iOS) to Add Product and eventually got the same error (P030). Any other ideas?
02-22-2023 09:57 AM
Hello everyone,
@DH33 thanks for reaching out here in the Community and for sharing the steps you have done. There are things you need to consider when setting up a Nest Protect. You can only use the Nest app when setting up or controlling it. Nest Protect can only connect to a 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network. So you need to make sure that your 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network is enabled.
Give these steps a try:
Looking forward to your response.
I appreciate the help, Patrick_Caezza.
02-24-2023 10:53 AM
Hi DH33,
I'm dropping by to ensure that everything is covered here. How's it going with your Nest Protect? Were you able to read the information and check the link I shared? In case you have an update, you know where to find us.
02-25-2023 02:38 PM
Hey DH33,
Just one quick final check in here since activity has slowed down. We'll be locking the thread in the next 24 hours, but if you still need help, we would be happy to keep it open. If there's more we can do, just let us know.
02-25-2023 04:03 PM