01-06-2024 12:01 PM
2nd Gen nest is about 7 years old. Has been working great but today we had no heating. If I press the button on the heat link the valve opens and the heating works.
If I use the dial or the app to change the temp the heat link clicks but the valve doesn't open.
In any case the LED remains amber.
Amber LED suggests bad connection..not sure how to get that going.
BUT, even though it's amber the heat link does click when the thermostat is adjusted.
Any ideas please?
01-07-2024 12:33 AM
I’ve reconnected the heat link and now the LED is green but the heating valve only switches on when I press the manual button on the heat link. It doesn’t work when I adjust the temp on the thermostat.
im thinking it can’t be the valve itself then and must be something in the nest.
01-07-2024 11:15 PM
The hearing seemed to work yesterday afternoon but this morning we woke up to a cold house and I could only make it work with the manual override button on the heat link.
is it possible to just change the heat link module since I guess that’s what is playing up