01-08-2024 05:12 PM
I've read through several forum posts on this topic but have yet to find a solution.
My Nest Learning Thermostat displays the incorrect outside temperature and conditions (including the next three temperatures at 4 hour intervals).
I believe this is leading to incorrect Heat Pump balance, as the heat pump continues to run in the mid-20s despite the break-point being set to 32. Example: it's 28 and calm outside right now, as corroborated by weather.com and my Google Home voice assistant. However, Farsight on the thermostat shows 38 and rainy. The heat pump is churning away and Alt. Heat has not been activated.
I've verified that the location on my Nest and Home app are set to my home location. I've verified that the Weather Channel can provide weather for my location. I have removed the thermostat from the Nest app, factory reset the thermostat, and re-added the thermostat to the app.
The only thing I haven't been able to do is follow Google's "The Weather is Wrong" troubleshooting (https://support.google.com/googlenest/answer/9235741?hl=en#zippy=%2Cthe-weather-is-wrong) that suggests I check my Location data on the thermostat its self - a setting that doesn't seem to exist.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
01-20-2024 01:22 PM
Hi Frereleo,
Yikes! I'm sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with your Nest Learning Thermostat displaying incorrect outside temperature and conditions. It's important to have accurate weather information for proper heat pump balance and operation. Here are a few suggestions to troubleshoot the problem (you may skip the ones you already did):
I hope this helps, and I hope you're able to resolve the issue with your Nest thermostat soon.
Let us know how it goes.