05-22-2024 02:48 PM
This should be a MAJOR issue...
Not just as folks may be on different schedules than the firmwares hard coded times, but how about all the various location on planet earth, does your house/appt face north or south, time of year(season), so many things could effect this schedule for each individual user... As I suggested years ago, how about a simple slider on each of the 4, with total hours covered (to show any gap), quick & simple..
C'mon bigG, I complained about this feature when you 1st bought Nest, how many years ago....
05-22-2024 03:00 PM
Google and Nest don't care about you, or me, or this problem. They already have our money.
It's completely absurd and inexcusable that this isn't fixed. I'm actively shopping alternatives.
05-26-2024 03:20 PM
Hi folks,
Thanks for posting and sorry to hear about this situation with the schedules feature. Please Share feedback about Google Nest with all these recommendations to improve the customer's experience. We'd love to hear from you all.
05-27-2024 04:12 AM
Can you explain how this hasn't been addressed yet? Is there a reason?
05-27-2024 11:22 AM
Hi cbrunskill,
Thanks for replying! So farm, I'm not able to give you a confirmation why it hasn't been added. But, please fill out the form indicated in the post above. We'd like to hear from you to take it into consideration.
05-27-2024 03:08 PM
I've filled out the form. When will you have confirmation on why this hasn't been added yet?
05-31-2024 03:37 AM
Still awaiting any substantive reply or acknowledgement
06-11-2024 06:09 AM
Any updates here?
06-21-2024 03:33 AM
One update please?