05-09-2022 02:17 PM
I have one Google Nest router with two access points creating a mesh network in my house. 500Mb Cable internet comes into house in the cellar and is then split to every room in the house via ethernet cable. The router is connected to one of these ethernet points to create the network. However in one corner of the house the mesh network is too weak - down to <10Mb - so I want to add another Nest router to an ethernet point in the room and have it part of the same wifi mesh network, but get 500Mb again. How should I connect the new router to be on the same network and get max speed? Thanks in advance if you can help.
05-10-2022 06:25 AM
Hello @zurichrich
You'll want to take a look at this documentation to get a better understanding of how to connect another Nest WiFi Router unit as a wired secondary: https://support.google.com/googlenest/answer/7215624?hl=en
But, the short version is that you can't connect it to the same "outer" network (the one feeding Ethernet ports throughout your house) as the existing Nest WiFi Router unit. That one is the "primary" and is creating a new "inner" network that the Nest WiFi Point units are mesh secondaries on. Adding another Nest WiFi Router as a secondary requires connecting it to the same "inner" network, either as a mesh secondary or wired into the LAN Ethernet port of your current Nest WiFi Router unit. You may be able to find a way to rearrange things so that all of your Ethernet ports are being fed from that LAN port, which would allow you to connect a new Nest WiFi Router unit to one of the existing ports, but it might require moving things around a bit. Before you go down that path, I would try to focus on optimizing the placement of the units you have. The best advice is to have the primary (your current Nest WiFi Router unit) as close to the center of the home as possible, with Nest WiFi Point units one or two rooms away from there in any direction. From there, they can provide coverage to more distant clients.
05-10-2022 09:24 AM
Hi, zurichrich.
I just wanted to jump in real fast to see if you saw MichaelP's reply and to see if you still needed some help on this or if you were able to get it sorted out. If you are still needing some help, just let us know and we'll be happy to continue helping.
05-17-2022 08:42 AM
Jeff I have a similar question to Michael. I have a Google Nest system with one router and 3 nodes. I have been able to connect all 4 which is good however the signal drops or is very weak. The house is made of concrete and has a lot of rebar. The house has an ethernet network connecting both floors, which when I first got set up I had a non-mesh system using two routers which meant we had to switch routers when going up or down, so the Mesh system sounded like the be fix. I had read that I could connect two Google Mesh routers via ethernet and bought a second router. When I plug the second router to the ethernet on the lower floor and try to set up via Home I get an error message stating I cannot have two routers on one modem.
This is my set up my DSL Line flows into the DSL router and I connect my primary Mesh Router to the back of the supplied DSL Router, from there I have my network but have a very weak signal downstairs because of the construction of the home and I have tried many different angles to dodge the blocking effect of the rebar. WIth the second router I plug that in the wall on the second floor. The Home application finds the router but I just cannot add it to the network. There is no way to hardwire the two routers at least between the two stories. I'm I out of luck on this? Thanks
05-17-2022 10:19 AM
Apologies for brevity – I'm using my phone. It sounds like your wall jacks are being fed from the DSL router. You can't connect a secondary Nest WiFi Router to the same outer network as the primary. It has to be connected to a network built from the LAN port on the primary Nest WiFi Router.
Also keep in mind that wireless/mesh secondary points can't connect through a wired secondary Nest WiFi Router.
Lastly, rebar isn't the only issue – concrete alone would still be a challenge.
Good luck!
05-13-2022 10:13 AM
Hi, zurchrich.
I'm just checking in once more to see if you still needed some help here or if you're all set.
05-21-2022 11:28 PM
I gave up using the second router as a router and set it up as a node. With the addition of a 4th note plus the original router plugged into a ZTE (phone company supplied) DSL router (wifi disabled) I was able to complete the mesh system with enough signal to be operational at 27+, equal to the DSL router at the point of origination. I thought I'd done my homework before buying the second router as a plugin downstairs. In any regard we are up and running. This is a second home in Greece so we can be on a wifi call between floors and not drop calls. The fixed devices are driven off of a router on each floor in addition to the Nest. The place is less than 1,500 sq ft but as I shared a lot of steel and concrete between floors.
Thanks for the help, you saved me a lot of time with trial and error.
07-08-2022 10:07 AM
Hey, everyone.
It looks like we've slowed down here. We'll be closing up the thread unless anyone else has any input or needs anything else. If so, just let me know and we can keep this open a bit longer.
- Jeff
07-08-2022 10:42 AM
I was able to use the second router as a node and it filled a gap in the network and improved the mesh system to where I get the bandwidth I need in all of the various locations in the house.
Thanks all
07-11-2022 08:48 AM
Great news, DAN56.
I'm happy to hear you got this sorted out. If anybody else needs anything or has any other updates, just let me know.
- Jeff
07-14-2022 08:58 AM
Hey, all.
Just a quick check back in to see if anyone else got things worked our or maybe still needed some help. Let me know if you're still working on things.
- Jeff
07-25-2022 04:58 PM
Hi folks,
Just checking in to make sure that you've seen our response. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns as I will be locking this in 24 hours.