09-25-2022 12:23 PM
I have tried bridging the century link, internet goes out, connect nest to LAN on back of CL Modem, then nothing happens on the nest side of things i just get a cant connect to internet message. I have added in the PPP credentials with no change. My nest step is to just connect a normal ethernet cable to the nest and see what happens. Unless somebody has a better answer.
I bought the 3 router package to have the option to hard wire certain devices.
09-25-2022 01:18 PM
C3000Z* is the modem/router i have. I tried just plugging in one of the ethernet cables to the nest and it wouldnt work that way either.
09-30-2022 12:44 PM
Hi RollTide34,
Sorry to hear about the setup issues you're facing. You mentioned that you were going to test things with the ethernet cable. Did you ever give that a try? Also, while setting up, do you see any error messages along the way, or is it simply just not finding a connection? Have you considered with the router in the ISP's modem that you might be running into a double NAT situation? Take a look at this article here and see if that can answer a few things for you: https://goo.gle/3bmNiUO.
If you're still stuck after taking a look at the double NAT possibility, please let me know.
09-30-2022 12:56 PM
No errors, just at final screen said restart modem no internet, what I ended up doing was using a managed switch from the CL modem, opened up the apn? Setting plugged in the nest and has been working flawlessly, went in turned off the additional wifi signals from CL added a second nest point and have been happy this far! Switching Internet companies this week so... All for nothing
10-03-2022 08:30 AM
Hi RollTide34,
Thanks for letting me know what you did to get things working. Sorry you had a bit of a runaround process to get things dialed in. I just wanted to check in and see if there was anything else you might need or to see if you're all set for now. Let me know if you need anything else.
10-06-2022 01:57 PM
Hi all,
As we got our resolution here, I'm going to mark this one as resolved in the next 24 hours. Thanks to all who helped and contributed. If anyone has any other needs, please feel free to let me know before the lock.