05-06-2022 12:35 PM
I continue to have issues connecting 2.4gHz only devices to my nest network. Kasa, Atomi, Feit, etc all have issues. Does anyone have a actual solution? I have tried making the hotspot with my phone using the same name and password with limited success.
PS-Please don't comment to tell me it is the device manufactures fault for not allowing for the 5gHz; that doesn't help me.
05-06-2022 03:19 PM
Check your WAN and DNS settings, IP and port forwarding as well as your security settings. I’m sure one of those is set up to not allow unrecognized devices or local networking, but I don’t have a nest or google Wi-Fi system, I just know the industry well and every platform should have these features hidden somewhere…
05-06-2022 03:24 PM
It is a known issue with the dual band without the ability to turn off the 5kHz.
05-10-2022 01:54 PM
Hi, SunnyPB.
Sorry about the issues you've having getting the 2.4GHz devices connected. I know that can be frustrating. Also, it looks like you already tried the hotspot method. This suggestion is a little odd, but it has worked for lots of others. Since 2.4GHz has a longer range than 5GHz, you can try setting your devices up at the far reaches of your network, where only the 2.4GHz band would be present. Once you have the devices connected, you can move them to where they will be used and they'll already have the connection set up. Let me know if you're able to give this a try.
05-16-2022 09:54 AM
Hi, SunnyPB.
I just wanted to check in real fast to see if you saw my reply and to find out if you still needed any help on this. If you're still needing assistance, please just let me know and I'll be happy to continue helping.
05-19-2022 09:58 AM
Hi, everyone.
Just one quick final check in here since activity has slowed down. We'll be locking the thread in the next 24 hours, but if you still need help, I would be happy to keep it open. If there's more we can do, just let me know.