10-06-2022 08:46 PM
Greetings, does any one can help me with this information? I can't retrieve my device from customs. Thanks
10-08-2022 07:55 AM
Hi @mbelaochaga,
I am afraid I don't have this information about the Google WiFi Router.
Maybe reach out to Google Nest support to see if they can provide you with this information: https://support.google.com/googlenest/gethelp
10-10-2022 10:53 AM
Hey folks,
Thanks again for helping here, @RXShorty.
@mbelaochaga, I hope you've got the answer you're looking for. If you're still in need of any assistance, feel free to let us know.
10-13-2022 12:28 PM
Hey mbelaochaga,
I just wanted to follow up once more to see if you were still needing some help here. If so, just let us know.
10-17-2022 08:14 AM
Hi everyone,
Just one quick final check in here since activity has slowed down. We'll be locking the thread in the next 24 hours, but if you still need help, I would be happy to keep it open. If there's more we can do, just let me know.