01-13-2023 01:22 PM
A new Netgear CM1000 connects to COX just fine with an ethernet cable. My new Google mesh router setup hangs during the "Connecting to your wifi router. Almost done. Please ensure you have plugged in your ethernet cable."Setup fails at the same point every time, after which is asks me to reboot the modem. I have followed the prompts multiple times to reboot modem and router, but never succeed.
A new wireless network is visible, which most likely is the Google mesh router, so I know the router is working, in some sense.
Please help.
01-17-2023 04:16 AM
Hey @MarkCol .
What type of device are you using to set up with (i.e. iPhone, Pixel, etc.)?
01-18-2023 05:58 AM
I was using a Pixel 6a. I managed to get things working. Here are some details that might others who struggle:
1) To repeat, an ethernet connection to the modem provided internet access just fine. I could login to the Google mesh router, but it complained it could not communicate with the modem.
2) Posts on this thread led me to explore vlan tagging issues, of which I knew little about. I inserted a managed switch between the modem and router and opened a necessary port, but setup of the mesh router still hung, wanting me to unplug both devices and start over; it did not work.
3) What finally worked, and I don't know why, is borrowing a node from a neighbor's mesh network, TP-Link W2400. Wireless connectivity was established swiftly. I then disconnected the TP-Link and reconnected the Google mesh router and setup was a breeze.
Again, I have no idea why this extreme measure worked.
Thanks for checking in, Patrick.
01-21-2023 09:48 PM
Hey folks,
Thanks for lending a hand, @PatrickP_Viking.
@MarkCol, I wanted to follow up and see if you are still in need of any help. Please let me know if you are still having any concerns or questions from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.
01-28-2023 10:41 PM
Hey MarkCol,
We’d like to check in again in case you have any further questions or concerns. Feel free to reply to this thread and we’ll help you out.
01-31-2023 10:03 PM
Hi MarkCol,
I'm just checking in to make sure that you've seen our response. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns as I will be locking this in 24 hours.