05-16-2022 10:52 AM
I've noticed over the last 3-4 weeks that I need to restart my Nest Wifi network every few days. Bandwidth at peak level is 900mb/s. It drops down below 50mb/s after a few days and I need to restart via the Google Wifi app. Once restarted the bandwidth levels bounce back. Comcast 1gb service and I don't restart my Comcast modem so definitely a NEST issue. Did an update recently go out that caused this? Prior to this issue I never needed to restart the Nest Mesh network. Any thoughts?
05-16-2022 01:03 PM
I had the exact same issue; the workaround for me was to open the Google Home app, go to wifi then do a speedtest. Once it's complete, press the ok (or done, whatever it is for you) and retest the speeds.
With 1 point (the router) online, it's been fixed. I've gone several weeks with no restart. I have multiple points, however, I only get a day or so and it slows down, but only when connected to the remote point. When connected to the router point, speeds are fine. It leads me to believe there might be a problem with the mesh software but since I am just a user, I don't know really. I've added in a guy who is tracking at least my case and I believe he at least has influence with the software at Google.
@Jeff passing another possible issue along.
Hope this helps!
05-17-2022 02:12 AM
It start happening with me since March this year, every two days I needed to restart the network. From the last week of April to the first week of May, it worked without any problem.
This week I have being restarting the network everyday.
Unfortunately, I have this setup in an unsupported country, so I don't receive any further help from Google.
05-17-2022 07:40 AM
This seems to be a universal issue not related to the region it’s installed in but idk for sure. I also don’t know if there might be other issues causing different troubles but I would certainly try the Speedtest. Were any upgrades installed since it quit working? Did you get a chance to try the speedtest trick?
05-18-2022 02:42 AM - edited 05-18-2022 02:46 AM
The speed test trick didn't work.
I tried removing the ethernet cable that goes to the modem, I waited until the led started blinking yellow, and put the cable back. The speed got half way to full speed.
Restarting the network was the only way to come back to full speed.
05-17-2022 07:57 PM
Same issue (in Montreal, Canada)...
I have Google Wifi + 2 points, and for the Past 3 Weeks, I also have to reboot my main access point once a day, or every 2 days max. I have a 400mb connexion, but Ookla SpeedTest was giving me an average speed under 10mbps earlier today (noticed after bad FaceTime video call). Right after the reboot, I just got 444mbps download/55mbps upload. It's getting annoying...
05-18-2022 12:33 PM
I'm having the same issue--probably starting around May 5th when new firmware was released. If I restart the network I can get pretty close to the 500Mb fiber service but after some time (a day or so) performance crawls to 30-50Mb, sometimes worse.
05-18-2022 01:16 PM
Does a Speedtest inside the google home app resolve things? I had to push done when it was finished or my speed would not be restored. Around the first of May the firmware cleared things up for me. Sounds like it might not be 100% resolved yet
05-19-2022 09:18 AM
Hi, everyone.
Sorry for the speed fluctuation issues you're seeing. Obviously resetting the network is a cumbersome workaround, so sorry about that as well. This is something I've talked about with internal teams, and it's being looked into. In the meantime, there are a few things you can check to see if it impacts anything for you.
Give those things a look and see if any of them have any bearing in your situation. If nothing applies, let me know.
05-19-2022 09:44 AM
Hey Jeff! I did the steps you advised to do, and none of them worked.
And this time it was worse: before today, I just needed to use the "restart network" from the Home App, but today it didn't brought the network to full speed. I needed to take the router power off and on. I waited 15s between them.
05-22-2022 06:49 PM
After running a speed test from the app and disabling video conferencing priority it seems speeds have gotten better for now.
05-23-2022 02:09 AM
Yeah, after disabling the preferred activities last Thursday, I hadn't the speed drop problem anymore.
So, in my setup, I don't have priority devices and preferred activities is disabled.
05-19-2022 09:52 AM
Thanks for the update, sombrabr.
It looks like I'll need to check with an internal team on this one. I'll report back when I know more.
05-22-2022 08:49 AM
Something had to have changed in latest firmware update. Please have the team revert the firmware back to previous version.
05-23-2022 09:48 AM
Hi, eamonkgavin.
We can't roll back the firmware version. The best advice I can provide is for you to try some of the steps others have mentioned as being effective in their situations. Each firmware update also brings in security updates that are vital to protecting your network, so going backwards isn't an option.
05-23-2022 10:07 AM
I don't have any prioritization set. Still need to restart the network every 2 days. Please fix.
05-24-2022 03:18 PM
Hi, eamonkgavin.
I spoke with an internal team about this today and it's being looked into. While the steps I shared are working for many, some people seem to be affected in a way that those steps aren't having any impact. I will share any news I can get of a fix or an update coming when I have more information.
06-30-2022 12:30 PM
I just stumbled on this thread after searching around for a solution to my own problem, and I figured I'd add my voice to those who've already posted. I've been experiencing the exact same issue for the last several weeks, and like the others had narrowed the problem down to the primary WiFi point. I had been power cycling it every couple days, and recently I've had to do it at least once per day.
Anyway, after reading this thread just now, I tried the "Speed Test" trick, and it did happen to fix my issue, so thanks for that. While it's a bit annoying, at least it's a workaround. I realize there haven't been any updates to this thread in over a month, but consider me one of the folks who would appreciate an update on the issue if one ever comes up.
06-30-2022 04:39 PM
Hi cmq! Do you have preferred activities (either video conferencing or gaming) or any device prioritization set?
07-05-2022 12:56 PM
Interestingly, I do. I don't think I ever set this myself, but I looked just now and "Video conferencing" is checked as a preferred activity. If this issue recurs, I'll try disabling that and see if it helps even more.
07-05-2022 01:51 PM
I had the same configuration set. Disabling it was the only thing that worked for me. No problem since
06-30-2022 07:34 PM
I started this thread a while back and I did the speed test trick and it worked beautifully. I have not had any difficulties in a while and as long as the Wi-Fi router is the only AP in the network, it’s fine. Adding another point to my Wi-Fi is great for the first 6-24 hours but then speed drops and by 48 hours, it’s barely above 1. If I’m connected to the router, speeds are fine but if I’m connected to the remote point it’s no good. Speed test to the point doesn’t seem to resolve things either. Hopefully it gets resolved soon!
09-23-2022 06:53 PM
I've got the same problem. Turned off game priority and going to see if that helps.
09-23-2022 07:33 PM
Did you try the speed test trick (choosing speed test in google home->Wi-Fi in the app then running a speed test? I’m assuming you are current on software and in the US. If you can, provide the software version.
09-24-2022 03:57 AM
I was going to wait for it to happen again and try it. I had already reset my network.
09-24-2022 03:58 AM
Software version 14150.43.81
09-29-2022 01:58 PM
Hi everyone,
I wanted to jump in and make you aware of a firmware update rolling out. The update has a lot of improvements in it, so I'm hoping you will all see better performance once it arrives onto your device. You don't need to do anything to install it, it will download and update all on its own. Here are the firmware version numbers for the update that's going out now.
Google Wifi: 14150.376.32
Nest Wifi router: 14150.376.32
Google Wifi (2nd gen): 14150.376.32
Nest Wifi point: 1.56.315675
If you're seeing those numbers on your device software version, then you have the newest release. If you're still on an older version, you should expect to see it soon. Let me know if you have any other questions.
10-02-2022 02:37 PM
Hey folks,
@Jeff, thanks for the help here.
I wanted to follow up and see if you are still in need of any help. Please let me know if you are still having any concerns or questions from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.
10-03-2022 04:22 PM
Hi everyone,
Just one quick final check in here since activity has slowed down. We'll be locking the thread in the next 24 hours, but if you still need help, I would be happy to keep it open. If there's more we can do, just let me know.
10-06-2022 06:44 PM
I currrently have 14150.376.32 on my Nest Wifi 2nd gen primary router. I have 800/25 service an it drops to 91/25 consistently. Resetting the network solves it for about an hour. Just horrendous. Nest Wi-Fi seems to be plagued with his issue resetting is the only option. Hopefully the Pro Nest Wi-Fi will not have this issue.
10-12-2022 12:32 PM
Problem worse then before the update. After resetting, the speed is at max for a couple of hours.
10-15-2022 11:17 AM
Hey there,
@sombrabr and @DBALL, are you using a modem/router combo from your Internet Service Provider (ISP)? How many devices are dropping from the network? Also, do you have any paused devices?
Give these steps a try:
Let us know how it goes.
10-18-2022 11:23 AM
Hey folks,
I wanted to follow up and see if you are still in need of any help. Have you had the chance to try the suggestion above? If yes, how is it?
10-18-2022 12:29 PM
Hi Mel!
I had to factory reset the network. I did it on last Saturday.
It worked fine until yesterday when the upload went down to 1 Mbps, I restarted the network and it came back to full speed.
I'll monitor a few more days to see if it remains stable.
10-18-2022 12:44 PM
Hi sombrabr,
Thanks for letting us know. Take your time, I'll be waiting for your update.
10-24-2022 04:22 AM
Hi Mel,
So far things are running fine.
Factory resetting the whole network might be the action that solved the speed problem.
But, no IPv6 😞 Even enabling again the IPv6, my devices can't get IPv6.
My older router can get the ISPs IPv6 and, by Nest WiFi can't. I'm following another topic about this.
10-24-2022 11:02 AM
Hi everyone,
@sombrabr and @Gkeller16, I'm sorry to hear that you're still having an issue with your Google Nest Wifi. We'd like to take a deeper look into this — could you fill out this form and let us know once you're done?
10-22-2022 06:23 PM
Having the same issue. The slowdown has been occuring for the better part of 2 months. I recently changed ISP from Spectrum to Altafiber(1gb speed for both) as they ran fiber to my home. Download speeds are going from 400mb down to a cap of around 35mb on wifi only(upload is still at 400mb),wired connections aren't affected and remain around 900mb at all times.
Have tried disabling preferred activities as suggested and has not resolved the issue. Router has to be restarted daily ,usually in the evening and speeds immediately resume to 400. This is becoming tiresome to restart daily. I'm about to buy three smart plugs and set them to restart every day to resolve until Google figures out why this is happening( if they are truly looking into it).
10-23-2022 12:11 PM
Hi Gkeller16,
Have you had the chance to try the steps above? If so, how was it?
10-23-2022 12:17 PM - edited 10-23-2022 12:18 PM
ISP router has been set to bridge mode. IPv6 is off. DNS is set to Google DNS. Points are one room over. Factory reset has been performed this week. Power cycled daily. No special characters in netowork name or password.Issues still persist after these steps.
This whole system is under a year old, is there a warranty claim I can go through or exchange?