05-23-2022 12:27 PM
Within the App on my phone you can set as many port forwards as you'd like and the settings do not stick.
I've been a network professional for some time, this isn't user error. In fact, I had an old cisco router with wwrt lying around to test and that opens the ports I'd like without issue.
Through testing, I've set a couple ports up with success by hard power cycling the nest wifi after making the change. However, I need about 4 different ports open and it's been too inconsistent to lock down them all. Is there any reason why when you add open ports via the app then hitting save the shotty firmware doesn't stick?
Does anyone have an actual fix? This has been posted countless times on reddit and other sites.
Oh, I've also tried to configure one of the (3) pucks as the main hub instead... same result.. It's not a hardware issue. It's clearly software.
If no one has one I'll just place a router in front of the google since they can't do it right.
Answered! Go to the Recommended Answer.
05-26-2022 07:23 AM
I solved the issue using an Apple ipad via Home App to update the exact same settings and it worked.... pretty sad my own Pixel couldn't update a setting on another google product correctly.
05-26-2022 07:23 AM
I solved the issue using an Apple ipad via Home App to update the exact same settings and it worked.... pretty sad my own Pixel couldn't update a setting on another google product correctly.
06-02-2022 10:53 AM
Hi, Jahosphat.
Thanks for letting us know you got this worked out. I'm sorry for the confusion and frustration this caused for you. Before I mark this as resolved, is there anything else you might need?
06-02-2022 11:15 AM
Maybe pass the feedback to google Devs to fix it?
06-02-2022 02:47 PM
Absolutely, Jahosphat. I'll pass the word along and make sure your comments are taken into account. If you need anything else going forward, please feel free to open up a new thread.