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Nest WiFi Pro Admin

Community Member

Is there a way to revoke access to specific devices that end up connected to your network? I haven't found a way to remove individual devices without having to reset the whole system and rejoining all devices again, so... Every device I don't know I just pause their Internet connections until they come out and let me know who's who. So, other than pausing their Intent access, is there any other restrictions or revoking of rights I can do?


Diamond Product Expert
Diamond Product Expert

Hello @Miketino 

Home WiFi networks use a shared password for authentication. Once a device has that password, it can connect. There's no way to revoke the password for just that device (this is something enterprise WiFi networks can do – each device authenticates with its own credentials and those can be revoked individually). You can pause a device, but that will only block it from opening new connections to the internet. It doesn't stop that device from connecting to WiFi or communicating with other devices on the local network. I would recommend using the Guest WiFi feature to have a separate password you can share more freely with potentially untrusted devices. Then just change that password regularly (weekly, monthly... whatever works for you). That will kick any devices off that are still using the old guest password without impacting any of the devices using the main password.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey folks, 

Thanks for lending a hand, @MichaelP.
@Miketino, I wanted to follow up and see if you are still in need of any help. Please let me know if you are still having any concerns or questions from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,

Chiming in to see if you still need assistance with this. Let us know if you have additional questions ― we'd love to help.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello Miketino,

We haven't heard from you in a while so we'll be locking this thread if there is no update within 24 hours. If you have any new issues, updates or just a discussion topic, feel free to start a new thread in the Community.
