11-18-2022 12:31 AM
I've installed Google Nest WiFi Pro with 3 pack, and I recieve bad reception on the 2nd floor even thought there are 2 WiFi points there (one connected to the router with cable and one using the mesh network). It seems like all the devices connect to the router and therefore gets bad signal strength instead of connection to the nearest point. I'we run WiFi mesh test, and the points reports great connection.
Any ideas? Why aren't any of my devices using the wifi points? Thats the main reason for using Mesh network in the first place.
It also looks that both the points are connected to the router, event though the point using mesh connection should connect to the other cabled point because it has mush better reception to this one.
The devices has firmware 1.63.324946.
11-18-2022 07:52 AM
Hello @Jflaten84
Just a couple thoughts here that may help.
First, WiFi client devices decide which access point to connect to and when to switch (if ever). Google/Nest WiFi does provide clients with extra information that they can use to make better decisions, but not all clients support those specifications (802.11k and 802.11v). Apple devices support those, for example, and seem to do a good job of switching between access points and bands. But, only some Android and some Windows devices support them, and the ones that don't can sometimes get "stuck" to an access point that still works even when a better option is nearby. Briefly disabling WiFi on those devices can often get them to connect to a more optimal access point. Fixed devices tend to not support those specifications, though, and can end up sticking to a distant access point indefinitely. Rebooting them may resolve that issue.
One other factor here is that when the WiFi network starts up, the first access point that comes on line and becomes available is the primary/router unit. So, with the context above, you can probably see how a lot of devices end up connecting to that one and just staying there. Again, cycling the WiFi on those (or rebooting them) can resolve this after a network restart.
Secondly, it sounds like you have one secondary connected back to the primary via Ethernet, and another that is connected via the wireless mesh. This can work, but it's important to understand what is going on under the covers a bit when you have a wired secondary like that. Since the mesh connection doesn't run over Ethernet (it's based on the 802.11s standard, so it only runs over a hidden WiFi network), connecting a secondary unit via Ethernet creates a "loop" in the network (two paths that connect the same devices). To resolve this, an older standard is used called "Spanning Tree Protocol". This protocol detects the redundant paths and disables traffic through one of them, breaking the loop. In Google/Nest WiFi, this protocol is configured to prioritize keeping the Ethernet path up and running, so it disables traffic through the mesh connection on any wired secondary. The upshot of all of this is, a wired secondary cannot act like a "base station" or intermediary for a more distant wireless-only mesh secondary. So, any wireless mesh secondary should be placed close enough to the primary to get a strong mesh connection for itself (or wired back to the network created from the primary's LAN Ethernet port, which lets you place it further away).
I hope this helps you understand the behavior you're seeing and gives you some ideas for how to improve the situation.
11-18-2022 08:18 AM
Hi Michael.
I've tried with both Windows, Android and iOS clients, and they all connect to the router in 1st floor, even though they are in the 2nd floor and has much better reception to the points in the 2nd floor. They don't connect to either of the mesh points (which one is wired and one is wireless connected to the router).
I'm not sure if I understand everything you say about the using wired connection between the router and a mesh pont, Google Nest Wifi Pro should support wired "backbone" to the router using the ethernet-port as far as I could read. And then those two (router and mesh point) is connected true ethernet backbone i assume that the mesh point should work as an ordinary mesh point for other clients, but then (as you say) would be able to stretch the network further away from the router since it self is using ethernet for connection to the router. Isn't that correct?
11-18-2022 09:33 AM
Hello @Jflaten84
The iOS client, at least, should hand off within 30 to 60 seconds of moving from one part of the house to another. The Windows and Android clients may or may not do that, depending on whether they support 802.11k and 802.11v. Have you tried briefly disabling WiFi on them when they are on the second floor to see if they then connect to those access points instead?
Sorry for adding too much detail to the wired discussion. It is complicated, unfortunately. To be clear, no – a wired secondary cannot extend the range of the mesh network for another wireless/mesh secondary.
11-18-2022 07:53 AM
I have a quick question. How do you know your device isn't connected to the mesh points?
Is there a setting in the home app that shows which point the devices are connected to. If there is, I haven't found it.
11-18-2022 07:56 AM
Hello @ElGreco
You can see which access point (and which band) each device is connected to by using the Google Home app. In the WiFi section, find the device in the list of devices, tap on it to bring up the details, and then look at the "Info" tab. The connection type will be above the "Connection" label, and the current access point will be above the "Point" label. You can also see an estimate of the current connection strength towards the top under "Connection speed".
11-19-2022 04:03 AM
Hi Jørgen, what color does point 2 and 3 have? If they flashes yellow it indicates that they don't have internet,.. I, like many other Norweginas, have problems with AP 2 and 3. The only way I get the Mesh up is by hard wire between Nest router and AP 2 and 3, but they don't get internet and flashes yellow after installation... Most looking to use Altibox as ISP and they are also looking in to the problem. More and more looks like it's an Altibox problem...
11-19-2022 07:00 AM
The lights are flashing a light color, and I think the color was yellow (since white shouldn't be an option here). Got both note 2 and 3 connected to mesh network. Node 2 with wire and node 3 wireless. But the lights are flashing and no clients connect to them.
11-21-2022 09:00 AM
My last update from Google support:
I got an update from our Senior Specialists and they said that the issue you are experiencing might be related to a possible emerging issue with the Google Nest Wifi Pro. We are aware of the issue and are currently working on a fix. There will be several software enhancements rolling out through the end of the year that will improve a variety of stability and performance issues. We encourage you to hang tight and wait for the next firmware update. Thank you.
11-21-2022 10:28 AM
Hey KongRoreks,
Thanks for sharing your interaction with support here to help let others know what is going on. Can you let me know what day you received that message? We do have a new update that just went out, so I want to confirm if they mentioned that before or after the rollout.
11-21-2022 12:45 PM
I got the message yesterday...
11-21-2022 12:52 PM
Hi Jeff.
Have do I know that I got the latest update? My Nest router is on firmware 1.63.324946
11-21-2022 01:42 PM
Tried to update now, same problem as before... Got mesh up on AP 2 with network cabel, but no internet. Looked like it got the new firmware but i didn't help...
11-21-2022 02:01 PM
Hey KongRoreks,
You are the newest firmware release, and I'm not aware of another coming out right now, but I'll check with our internal teams to see if they possibly misspoke when talking to you about this. I'll also see if I can find out more about what's happening on your end.
11-21-2022 02:56 PM
Thanks. It looks like many Norwegians with Altibox as ISP have the same problem...
11-22-2022 09:15 AM
No problem. We'll get it sorted out. If it is an ISP issue, we can see if there are adjustments to be made on our end or theirs. I appreciate the patience as we work to figure it out.
11-27-2022 01:19 PM
Has anyone tried "double NAT" setup with Nest WiFi Pro as a router with mesh-points behind an Altibox/ISP router also running in router-mode? I've not been able to test it out myself, and I was wondering if that could be a working solution until the primary issue is fixed?
12-05-2022 01:25 AM
I just got this email from Altibox related to the issue you are experiencing:
Hei Leif Arne
Det er ønskelig at du forsøker med å deaktivere "personvern"-funksjoner for wifi-nettverket etter at du har koblet til Google Nest Wifi Pro hovedpunkt.
Skulle ikke dette fungere er det ønskelig å få svar på følgende spørsmål:
1. Hvilke enhet er det du forsøker å sette opp fra?
2. Er det forsøkt å sette opp fra flere enheter?
Did this resolve your issue?
12-05-2022 10:30 PM
Did any if this resolve your problem? Any further instructions after this?
12-06-2022 12:29 AM
Not any news from my end... Sendt an update to support last week regarding that the latest firmware didn´t fix the problem and referred to other brands that work with Altibox. Just got one mail back that it has been sendt to their specialists... So still just one router active in my network...
12-10-2022 01:33 AM - edited 12-10-2022 01:34 AM
Anyone tried the new firmware (1.63.327820) and tester if this one solves the issue with Altibox?
I've so far just received 1.63.327820 on the router, while my mesh-points still runs 1.63.324946. Haven't been able to test a factory reset yet, to see if the mesh-points will receive the new firmware then, and if this solves the issue. Anyone else tried this?
12-14-2022 10:32 AM
Hey Jflaten84,
You don't need to perform a factory reset to get the firmware update. It will download and install automatically, typically overnight. You can try power cycling to see if it will prompt the download, but a factory reset isn't necessary. Let me know if you have any questions on that.
12-18-2022 05:07 PM
Hello Jflaten84,
We’d like to check in again in case you have any further questions or concerns. Feel free to reply to this thread and we’ll help you out.
12-19-2022 02:00 AM
Hi Abi,
My network was reinstalled last week using a 4G-router to provide Me with another ISP than Altibox during the installation of the mesh-network, and is now working as it should when connected to Altibox. I've also heard that Altibox (and you guys?) solved the underlying problem late last week, and that installation of Google Nest WiFi Pro now is working like it should on Altibox. So it seems like the problem is solved now 🙂 Thanks!
12-19-2022 11:32 AM
Hello Jflaten84,
Awesome — glad to hear that your issue is fixed. It looks like we can consider this one complete, so I will lock the thread shortly unless I can help out with anything else.