12-19-2021 07:10 AM
I have had a mesh Nest WIFI for about a year and everything has been great until about two weeks ago. I keep having issues with my WIFI points degrading in connection or dropping all together. Location has not changed.
Another issue - when I run a speed test on the router, I am seeing my full bandwidth; however, when i run a speed test on devise (phone, tablet, etc) I am seeing speeds sub 10M (I am on a fiber 500M connection).
I have to keep restarting my Nest WIFI Network (2 to 3 times per day) through app and that usually fixes the issue. I have restated my fiber modem, powered off the Nest Router and WIFI points and the issue keeps coming back.
Model: H2D - Software Version 13729.57.27
01-05-2023 06:33 PM
Hope and prayed... Completely blows up my mind that such huge company can create 2 products that has a Mesh Solution that ONLY connects at 85 megs from a 1 gigbyte fiber optic ISP in Dallas Texas... Absolute unbelievable...
01-05-2023 07:25 PM
Pfftt. You are getting 85megs??
Most of the time my wifi just disconnects.
In fact I am writing this message using 5G because my wifi won't con ect to my Pixel 6 Pro again.
01-04-2023 01:14 PM
Is there anyone at Google addressing this?
This have been a problem for over a year now. What a waste of money it is to buy this mesh system otherwise!
01-12-2023 02:03 PM
01-17-2023 06:39 AM
Both my sister's and my Google Nest WiFi setups are failing on internet speed and connectivity. We get disconnected, have slow speeds, devices show offline, etc. With a problem existing this long, this is most likely a hardware issue that Nest/Google does not want to disclose. They even put the same hardware issue in the pro 6e version.
01-18-2023 06:23 AM
goodeddie- Many of us believe that a firmware update Google pushed out many moons ago created the speed and drop issues that we are experiencing. We say this because our systems were working fine and then suddenly everything changed. They wouldn't admit that the firmware update created the problem but they have had 2 years+ to "fix" whatever they did and haven't. Google could care less as long as they keep selling their cr@p products and make $.
Wish we could inform the general public before they buy Google's junk. Many people here have jumping ship to other systems.
01-20-2023 08:52 AM
And then they lay off 12000 people today.
With the way hardware division has been going, no doubt this wifi issue will persist for even longer.
Personally I think they are trying to make this product die out.
01-18-2023 02:36 AM - edited 01-18-2023 02:37 AM
Nest Wi-Fi pro is also experiencing the same issue. I know this has been mentioned previously but just wanted to warn potential buyers again that this pro version still suffers the same s#$%..
01-18-2023 06:27 AM
Wish we could "get the word out" about Google's cr@p products, but except for a couple of articles, I think that most of Tech media is afraid of 'rocking the boat'... Google mesh was great when it worked, but they let it turn to sh!t and they just don't care.
01-18-2023 07:18 AM
I'm seeing an odd disconnect between "tech media" reporting (e.g., "best MESH systems in 2022" type articles, etc.) and the reality that so many of us here are experiencing. It strikes me that the reviews / evaluations that tech media reporters conduct and write about are incredibly superficial. I've also noticed the vast majority of writers seem to write about their personal experience, often in homes or apartments ranging from about 1000 to 1400 sq ft; I'm amazed that some of these folks can "review" a mesh system without actually testing the kind of real world use cases that demand mesh technology.
Perhaps if the folks here experiencing ongoing issues were to write directly to each of the tech media writers, editors, etc., en masse, and ask them to visit this (and other) forums, a more realistic view of the situation would become visible.
01-30-2023 09:57 AM
Just started experiencing this in December and been fighting it since. Prior to whatever changed connection was great, and now random disconnects and now unable to stream anything consistently. Worked with ISP/Comcast recut coaxial and new Cable modem, but definitely something changed on the Nest Wifi devices in December 2022...
01-30-2023 10:56 AM
Unfortunately, welcome to the club pop36...
Just don't expect any answers from Google. Hasn't happened after 2 years+ and we don't expect it to ever happen.
If connections are critical (e.g. work), then most have moved on to another platform.
01-30-2023 12:12 PM
What is weird is it just started doing this a couple of months ago. Everything was fine until it wasnt... Is there any 3rd party modding like the old LinkSys to get a stable firmware back on?
01-30-2023 01:38 PM
Yeah, it just happened out of the blue for most of us too. Most believe it was a firmware update, but with so many new people having issues it may be hardware related. Even their new Nest wifi Pro appears to have the same random drops/speed issues. A couple of Google "specialists" (aka trolls) came on this thread and told us that Google was aware of the Nest wifi issues and that they were "looking into it". One even said that a fix was coming. No dice.
Google doesn't seem to care about anything except selling sh!t (literally crap products). It looks like they're even sticking it to their own (ex-)employees now too. Sad. Google stuff used to be pretty good and their culture was held in high regard, but they're just another greedy tech corp now.
02-01-2023 09:09 AM
Like me… got the ASUS zenwifi as recommended by Dong knows, no issues and solid as a rock! … good luck to all ! Unsubing this thread
04-17-2023 08:51 PM
So the last 5-7 days, it's been better. I've only restarted my device probably 1-2 a day, or today was none at all. But checking the software version of my Nest Wifi router, its the same as before.
Weird how it magically stopped dropping connection and forcing reset all of a sudden....
04-17-2023 01:41 PM
Update: Something changed in the last few months and didnt want to jinx it but it appears to be resolved. I bought a new router to rule out hardware, but never made it that far, so maybe there was a firmware update in the last few months??
02-01-2023 05:52 AM
Oh no…. i’ve been having issues with my ISPs for a minute now. Finally have that all sorted out and now my wifi isn’t reaching my living room from my router. (<1200sqft apt)
I’ve heard all of the nonsense before re: router interference, placement, old building, etc etc etc. Got one wifi point. Struggled to stay connected. Assumed I needed a second one (which i was already like - this is absurd) worked fine for TWO DAYS and my suspicions that its the routers themselves had me feverishly searching today… only to stumble on this forum where I scrolled through every comment since october hoping SOMEONE had anything to offer towards at solution (Mel, not looking at you or your form)
jon, buddy, I was rooting for you. Tho your solution was not one that I could pursue as a renter in an apartment building, I was praying that MAYBE if I just bought some extension cables and optimally placed the routers i’d have a (albeit, delicate) solution. But they got you, too.
I’ll start investigating the orbi hoping that solves this or that Google actually fixes there firmware (respect to the guy emulating his bear avatar screaming in here for google to fix their firmware, the stubborn dedication in the face of a global tech giant that’s trying protect is trillion dollar bottom line *coughneedlesslayoffscough* is admirable)
Adding my comment in the hopes this at the very least helps serve as another milestone on another person’s comment scroll journey of “did they fix the problem yet?”
02-01-2023 05:58 AM
An article from last year that bears repeating and sharing to anyone looking at Google products: https://9to5google.com/2022/10/19/google-nest-wifi-pro-longevity/
02-01-2023 06:54 PM
My mesh seems to be at a point where it's not totally dropping connections anymore, but the speeds are completely erratic -- anywhere from 40 or 50Mbps up to about 280Mbps over WiFi. Completely unpredictable. Unfortunately a new symptom has started up that's making the connection in my basement office borderline unusable. I've described in previous posts how I have a base Nest router on my first floor plugged into my Verizon FiOS gateway router. All configured so there's no double natting, and only the Nest router has WiFi turned on: clean and simple (hah!). About 12 ft across the room, but in the basement below where my office is set up, I have one of the mesh nodes -- another Nest router as a wireless node. A CAT5 patch cord connects that wireless node to my laptop hub on my desk. When that works, I used to get over 600Mbps at the laptop (my FiOS service is nominally 1 GB, and the base Nest router registers about 850Mbps up and down from the FiOS gateway). These days I've been averaging about 450Mbps over the connection that to my laptop -- down from the previous 600. Annoying enough, but still fast enough for the time being...until this past week.
I noticed that Zoom and Teams calls were freezing, so I did a speed test on the laptop and saw speeds around 40 Mbps (remember - that was once about 600 Mbps and was recently averaging about 450). Then I noticed in the Windows icon / status area (lower right of screen) that my laptop was showing as being connected by WiFi...not the ethernet connection between it and the nearby Nest router that's acting as a mesh node.
What??? I checked, and my laptop no longer saw the Nest router connected via CAT5. With that connection "non-existent", the laptop reverted to the WiFi signal from the mesh...and that was pretty pitiful as well.
I restarted the Nest router near the laptop --- and a few mins later my laptop recognized the ethernet cable plugged into it and yielded speeds around 450 Mbps again. A few hours later, the ethernet connection disappeared again, the laptop fell back to the slow WiFi connection again. Until I rebooted the router once again...working again for the next few hours.
I had hoped to avoid the hassle and expense, and frankly I've been something of a Google fan boy -- we've got several chromebooks (in addition to our Windows laptops), all but one family member have Pixel phones and I have a slew of smart / IoT devices around the house - Nest doorbells, Nest hubs, etc, etc. But I've lost all faith in the WiFi products.
02-06-2023 06:05 AM
Why is this product being sold? I Just bought it yesterday, set everything up. Now I have the same issue where speed tests on all devices are showing 50 Mbps but when I run a test on my phone using the Google app, speed is a full 500 Mbps. What do I do? I bought this and now I'm back to using my router's wifi network. Waste of money
02-06-2023 06:57 AM
Google continues to sell them because they've become a typical greedy tech corp more interested in $$$ than products that actually work.
If you can, return yours ASAP!
02-06-2023 10:18 AM
Because Google hates you.
02-06-2023 07:05 AM
Already printed my return label.
02-06-2023 08:38 AM
Woohoo! I’m glad we saved at least one person from making a huge mistake and financial loss!
02-06-2023 01:32 PM
I was stupid hoping for the Google Pro Mesh to perform... I already submitted a ticket a mo th ago and YET to hear from Google.. 26 MB down and 50 MG up... what is going on..? Is this product a scam.???
02-10-2023 01:17 PM
I completely gave up on Google doing the right thing. Switched over to a linksys mesh that my friend didn't want anymore. Really pissed off with google, it's feb 2023 and still no fix.
02-11-2023 03:33 PM
I have a similar issue and found that related to Google mesh after switching multiple ISPs few times. Does anyone know is there solutions offer by Google.
02-16-2023 05:51 AM
Sounds about right. Here is your answer on why this will never be fixed. Time to invest in a real wifi solution. https://news.google.com/articles/CBMia2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmNuYmMuY29tLzIwMjMvMDIvMTUvZm91bmRlci13aG8tc29...
02-16-2023 06:20 AM
Yes I saw that news. Finally migrated from Google mesh to TP Link Omanda. That's perfect solution for me with 2 access points and 3 in 1 router covers almost 4000sqft.
03-01-2023 02:56 AM
Returned nest Wi-Fi pro 1 month ago and switched to ASUS zenwifi as per Dong knows website recommendation and it has been absolutely perfect so far! No drops, lag, disconnects, intermittent high pings and most importantly, kids are not complaining about their online gaming now! Thank you Dong!
03-01-2023 04:33 AM
Dong's articles are excellent. The best, most thorough and most informative I've seen on wireless networking. Based on them in probably going to go for XT12 or ET12 - just have to decide if I'll do the work for a wired back haul. My Nest mesh has stopped being "terrible", but it's still inconsistent and generally delivers only a tiny fraction of the bandwidth I should be seeing. Tolerable in the short term, but not my preferred long term solution anymore.
03-08-2023 07:00 AM
LOL I'm happy I ain't the only one but this is not something to be happy about. Like everyone else, things were great for a good 8 months and now I have joined the struggle boat 🙂 looks like there is no solution around this and I have to go invest in something new.
03-08-2023 08:46 AM
Sorry you got screwed like the rest of us... Google sucks
03-21-2023 10:28 AM
I just got invited to be an early tester for Bard.
Question #1: Bard, can you please rewrite the firmware for my Google OnHub Wi-Fi router and mesh points so that they work?
03-21-2023 07:37 PM
Google is now playing hardball with those of us that are warning people off from their Nest wifi products.... I got locked out of a parallel Google community thread (there are A LOT more people having issues than the ones that are following this thread). Luckily I convinced a couple of people to bail why they still could.
Hey Google Specialist Abi - tell Google that they can stick their BS forms. Check out Google Support Inquiry: Case ID [9-2465000032359]. Crickets Abi. Crickets! No more BS reboots or Factory resets. The Nest product is flawed. Why won't Google just admit it?
04-15-2023 08:56 AM
It’s great to know that I’m not alone. I hate the fact that this will likely wind up being a $300 learning experience with the lesson being “Don’t buy google hardware because the support is non-existent”.
04-15-2023 08:02 PM
So I spent 2-3 days with Twitter support after ranting on a tweet about this issue, surprisingly they were pretty technical in providing tech support for me to try different things. Unfortunately, everything I tried still didn't help the situation and when I reached out to customer service to get a replacement, they simply ran a ping test to say sorry its an ISP issue (which I knew they were going to blame the ISP) and left me hanging. Each and every time I referred to this thread, they ignored the fact that this problem exists across multiple users for many years.
So in other words, I failed.
I feel like we all need to RT a tweet (could even be mine since they already started to talk to me on it) and everyone needs to respond to the tweet to make a large thread to make some public noise vs just google forums.
04-15-2023 08:05 PM
04-16-2023 08:52 PM
Ticket fo4nthe last 6 months.with Google for my Google Mesh Pro... 25 meg up. 77 meg down. No response after ibsend 10 pages of evidence... took everything off the Google Mesh... Running parallel to my Dlink Router with all Ggogle devices on this new ONE router with 537 meg up oand or down