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Nest Wifi Pro drops 2.4 confirmed after replacement

Community Member

Adding to the chorus that the Nest Pro Wifi routers drop 2.4 Ghz devices eventually within 1 week before you have to reboot to fix the connections. My Samsung TV and ALL my webcams will go offline and not reconnect until the Router has been rebooted. I got a replacement from Fiber support and same issue.  I have since returned them, setup my Fiber plan with my own router, and purchased Amazon Eero Pro 6 and have been very happy.  Advise anyone with Google Fiber to reject the Nest Pro Wifi if you have any 2.4 ghz devices.  


Community Member

I am happy that you found a solution that works well for you. It’s really embarrassing when a companies own product doesn’t work well with their own service.

I personally think that Google is overlooking this product line when  in reality at launch, it was really good, technical support was all domestic too. 

hopefully, they can put in place a feedback system that provides users better visibility on issues being worked on and all of that and the future. 

Best regards,
"I fight for the users"