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Nest Wifi Pro ‘slow’

Community Member

Not that impressed with Nest Wifi Pro’s throughput.

I have a full 1Gb Symmetric fibre internet link, and connecting a Linksys Velop router to the 10GbE port on the ONT allows Ethernet to Speedtest at 970mbits/s and I get around 800-900Mbits/s on wifi.

Connecting up the Nest Wifi Pro and I’m getting still 970mbits/s on Ethernet, however, Wifi is topping out at 700mbits/s when right next to the router. However even more stupidly the inbuilt device speed test only gets around 560mbits/s! 

It feels like Nest Wifi Pro is a downgrade from my previous Nest Wifi setup and a definite downgrade from something like a Linksys Velop Mesh. 


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey Markwayt,

Thanks for posting — let's see what's going on. 

A few questions: are you using a modem/router combo from your Internet Service Provider (ISP)? Also, do you have any paused devices? 

Give these steps a try:

  • If you're using a modem/router combo, set that to bridge mode to avoid double NAT issues.
  • Make sure that there is minimal to no interference (concrete, bulletproof glass, metal, mirror, etc.) and the points are no more than two rooms apart.
  • Remove any special characters in your network name and password.
  • Turn off IPv6.
  • Change your DNS server into on the primary and on the secondary server. Hit the save/ floppy disk icon on the upper right.
  • Unplug the power from your Google Wifi devices for 2 minutes.
  • If the issue persists, try factory resetting your network. Take note that this will delete all network data.

Let us know how it goes.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Markwayt,

I'm just checking back in to see if you still need assistance with this. Hope the previous post helped. Let us know if you have additional questions ― we'd love to help.



This is a brand new device, replacing a pair of old Nest Wifi devices in my house (I should also clarify, I'm an IT professional) and is connected directly to the fibre ONT via a 10GbE port. (I know the unit isn't 10GbE compatible, but that port is the main ONT ethernet port and it syncs at 1Gb). 

The issue is purely down to bad code on the unit - the current software in the Google Nest Pro unit is still problematic and flaky. You yourself even admit there is a problem with it as I dug into the software release pages and found a 'known bug' where the unit won't speed test properly and it will be 'fixed in a future firmware update'. This was called out in November and we're now almost 6 months on and still no fix.

I actually wished I'd kept the Google Nest Wifi routers - I feel like Wifi Pro is actually a downgrade (having dug a bit deeper in the technical specs, it seems like providing Wifi6e & 6Ghz spectrum on the device is the only benefit, with it being inferior to the Nest Wifi in every other way, so if I'm not using WIfi 6e devices, I'd have been better off sticking with Nest Wifi).

For the moment I'm suffering on with the Nest Pro wifi but I'm slowly getting to the point of moving my SSID onto the Linksys Velop and returning the Nest Pro for a refund. 

Community Member

Well, sadly, after having a few issues with the Nest Wifi Pro today dropping the connection on the external interface and troubleshooting with my ISP who gladly was on my ONT watching the Google Nest Pro Ethernet bounce & lose PPPoE, I switched back to my Linksys Velop MX4200 provided by my ISP which has been a vast improvement and as such, reset & RMA’d my Google Nest Pro wifi router which clearly isn’t anywhere near in the same league.

A real shame as I’ve been a huge flag bearer for the Google Nest Wifi system but the Pro is far from it - it is clearly a downgrade from the older system for most users apart from those needing 6e.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Markwayt,

Thanks for the update and my apologies for the late reply. We're sorry for your experience and we're sad to see you go. If ever you change your mind, we're here to help.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there,

Checking back in should you still have some questions here. Let us know by replying to this thread. 


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello everyone,

We haven't heard from you in a while so we'll be locking this thread if there is no update within 24 hours. If you have any new issues, updates or just a discussion topic, feel free to start a new thread in the Community.
