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Nest Wifi Unworkable

Community Member

Is anyone having issues with their Nest Wifi Router and/or experiencing poor customer service or support from google?

Nest Wifi Router (manufactured March 2020) stopped working a few weeks ago. 
Got conflicting messages from 4 different google support personnel (and even the community experts from Google on this platform).

The issue is the Router will not work after a factory reset. Fails to complete the setup process. On my 46th hard reset on a router (old and new replacement) to no avail. 

A senior engineer from Google informed me they are aware of the issue; and it’s present within some units.

I’d like to hear from anyone who had a similar experience.

The kicker is google knowing the some units have this issue (I believe is caused by a firmware update) they sent me a replacement unit from the same faulty batch (easy to identify by the serial number and manufacturing date).



Community Member

Yes, my google wifi drops about 4 or 5 times a day for about 10 minutes at a time.  Supposedly Google knows about the problem and is just ignoring it.  So frustrating...

Community Member

Unfortunately it is a very frustrating situation.

It is a big shame they refuse to do anything about it.

When a tire 1 organisation like Google are aware of an issue with their products affecting hundreds if not thousands of people and ignores it, they should be ashamed and reprimanded.

sorry for the continuous issue you’re experiencing and I hope you find a solution.

I’m in the process of ripping out all my Google devices including the ones I’ve installed for clients and replacing them with Netgear and TPLink, at my own cost.

Community Member

Community Member

Thanks for sharing @NicC 

I am appalled hearing Google have know about this for nearly two years and done nothing for most of its customers.

 Customers and industry regulators should be pushing them on this.


My device just will not work. Can’t connect it to the app. And I’ve chased Google for weeks. They simply ignore the emails most of the time.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey NotsoGoodle,


I think we need to get you in touch with a higher tier of support. If you can fill out this form, we'll have one of our support agents reach out to you directly. Here's the link to that form:


Once you've filled that out, just let me know and you'll be contacted soon after.




Community Member

Holy Sundar Pichai Batman!!! 

'Jeff the Google Troll' is BACK!  But now he's enticing new Nest wifi victims with the false promise of salvation by submitting utterly useless "forms".  Said forms were the once the exclusive domain of "Mel', the other Google Troll.   The twin titans of Google BS were thought to have been exiled, but Jeff has emerged from the ashes of the Great Google Purge to once again try to wreak havoc upon our thread with promises and lies!

Begone oh evil servant of the Google Empire!  Go back under the rock from whence you crawled.  Your falsities hold no sway here.  We are immune to your deception.

NotsoGoodle-  you may fill out the form, but don't hold your breath on ever getting a resolution to the Nest wifi woes.  Many technically savvy 'victims' have simply moved on to other platforms.  Google is not what they used to be...

Community Member

Thanks @NicC .

I’ve had it with Google and their poor product and services.

Moving onto another vendor.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

I hope that NicC didn't steer you away from filling out the form above, NotsoGoodle. That's honestly the best way to get in touch with a higher tier of support on this matter. They'll reach out to you after you fill out the form and work with you one-on-one and they'll have more insight into your setup and what might be going on.


Before dropping the efforts, I would fill out the form I linked to above and let one of our support members speak with you directly.



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi again NotsoGoodle,

I just wanted to check in real fast to see if you saw my reply and to find out if you still needed any help on this. If you're still needing assistance, please just let me know and I'll be happy to continue helping.


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey everyone,

It looks like we've slowed down here. We'll be closing up the thread in the next day unless anyone else has any input or needs anything else. If so, just let me know and we can keep this open a bit longer.


Community Member

DH-  You funny.

Did you even check out the other thread?

Don't you think we've already tried rebooting each device?  We did!  Multiple times!  We also factory reset and installed each device, multiple times!  They might work ok for a few days (hours) or even a couple of weeks, but the Nest mesh routers and points go back to dropping connections.  Even if they have connection, its usually a fraction of what it was previously. 

Some people even used wifi strength meters to determine best point placement.  Others have even made sure there's minimal interference and/or overlap from other wifi systems.  No joy. 

The Nest products have a flaw and Google has no idea how to fix them.  We've been strung along for 2 years+.  No solution.  No hope of a solution.  Just, "here's a discount to buy our new Pro product", which happens to have the same flaw it seems....

If your Google Nest mesh system is running correctly, count yourself Lucky.

Those of us still around are on a mission to warn potential buyers of the disconnect and speed issues and warn new buyers to return their Nest before the return period expires.