08-04-2023 03:26 PM
So I have been recently been getting into video game server hosting, and thats all fair and good, but my only problem is port-forwarding. Since all game servers need to be port-forwarded to show up on the internet, I'd think to just find an article for port-forwarding Google wifi, which I did. I followed the article and it said to open up the Google Home app and go to where my wifi manages are stored. I went to Network settings > Advanced network settings > Port management, and wanted to add my PC as a rule - Though it did not show up. I look through all the IPs, but none of them where my computer.
Can someone give advice on this topic? I am not a very smart person when it comes to networking.
08-04-2023 11:01 PM
You need to change the IP address type to DHCP
08-08-2023 10:24 PM
Hello everyone,
Thanks for helping out, @znachok88.
@soourcecode, I want to check in and see if you are still in need of help. If you are, make sure that you set a static IP address for your PC first before setting up a port for it, since that's needed for you to be able to see the device.
Hope this helps.
08-11-2023 10:28 PM
Hi soourcecode,
I'm checking in to see if you've tried the steps above. I'd be glad to hear from you, so please tell me if you are still having issues.