12-23-2022 10:23 AM
I’m looking to get the 2nd gen mesh Wi-Fi setup but I have a workshop 70 meters away from the house and want Wi-Fi in there too. It’s too far from the house to join wirelessly so I was hoping to run a cable and hard wire an additional point. I understand the additional points do not have Ethernet ports on them so I’m hoping there is another way??
Any help appreciated.
12-23-2022 12:44 PM
I think this support article answers your questions:
12-24-2022 06:54 AM
Thanks for the reply. From what I gather i can use an additional router as a hardwired AP after the initial set up? That should work.
12-24-2022 03:50 PM
Yes, that should work. 🙂 Here is a diagram of how you'd wire it up:
12-27-2022 04:53 PM
12-30-2022 11:31 AM
Hi. Not tried it yet as it will be when I move house. Just seeing if it was possible. I plan on having a router in the house plus 2 points and then run a 70m cable to the workshop into another router which will be used as a point. From there into a switch for multiple connections.
12-31-2022 06:28 PM
Hi GK123,
Thanks for the update. We'll keep this thread open for a few days as we wait for your feedback. Please let me know if you are still having any concerns or questions for now, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.
01-04-2023 06:27 PM
Hey GK123,
Checking back in should you still have some questions here. Let us know by replying to this thread.
01-06-2023 10:35 AM
Hi everyone,
Just one quick final check in here since activity has slowed down. We haven't heard from you in a while so we'll be locking this thread if there is no update after 24 hours. If you have any new questions, updates or just a discussion topic, feel free to start a new thread in the Community.
01-06-2023 10:39 AM
Hi. As I said previously I have not tried it yet as it will be when I move house. Just seeing if it was possible. It may take 6 months for me to move. No need to keep this open.
01-06-2023 01:35 PM
Hi GK123,
Thanks for confirming. We understand that it may take time for you to try the suggested steps. We'll close this thread for now to give you time. You can create a new thread once you've tried the steps in relation to this thread ― we'll be more than happy to pick it up from there.