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All Nest Devices Disconnected

Community Member

Hi there,

I updated my google password and then my 3 (current gen) cameras, nest temp sensor, and 2 thermostats disconnected. I can still see my 5 google wifi pro's and my 6 sonos speakers in my google home app, but everything else disconnected. When I try to add my devices back on the google home app, they connect, but then I receive an error saying it cant connect to my home. I can see my current home on the google home app, but it doesnt show on my nest app even when i try to add it. Apparently I need to add my devices on the nest app, but then they dont show on my google home app. I've been on 5 different calls with various google / nest departments, and they keep saying they havent seen any issues like this, but also keep asking me to go through the same steps and refuse to escalate until I keep going through the same steps, which has me stuck in a loop. I have always been a big fan of nest and google, but at this point I am EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED with the LACK of customer support. There does not seem to be anyone at google/nest that can help. Any advice? Thank you!

2 Recommended AnswerS



I'm not sure this will help, but here are a few comments:

First, you say that your cameras are "current gen". Do you mean the 2nd gen cameras that Google Nest is currently selling? If so, they can ONLY be installed in the Google Home app.

If you in fact have 1st gen Google Nest cameras, and you reinstalled them in the Google Nest app, in the same Google Nest "home/structure" you're using in the Google Home app, then you should be able to see your cameras in the Google Home app provided you're logging into both apps with the same Google Account.

There is an error that many thermostat customers have been encountering for over a year, where thermostats installed in the Google Nest app do not appear AUTOMATICALLY in the Google Home app, as they should. Many of these customers have tried this simple workaround to fix the problem; perhaps it will work for you as well:

1) In the Google Nest app, create a new, temporary Google Nest "home/structure".

2) Go to that same empty Google Nest "home/structure" in the Google Home app and delete it.

3) This apparently forces the 2 apps to sync, and the thermostat then appears in the Google Home app.

Perhaps it will cause your cameras to appear in the Google Home app.

View Recommended Answer in original post

Solutions Expert
Solutions Expert

Hello @FrustratedHome ,

I would also recommend following up the advice being provided above. One of the reasons for the issues you are encountering could be because of Nest apps being migrated to Google Home, hence the password change might be causing the issue. 

You can try starting the entire process from scratch by creating the account and home structure on the Google Home App and adding the devices. If the issue still continues to persist I recommend opening a ticket in this regard on the Public Issue Tracker

View Recommended Answer in original post




I'm not sure this will help, but here are a few comments:

First, you say that your cameras are "current gen". Do you mean the 2nd gen cameras that Google Nest is currently selling? If so, they can ONLY be installed in the Google Home app.

If you in fact have 1st gen Google Nest cameras, and you reinstalled them in the Google Nest app, in the same Google Nest "home/structure" you're using in the Google Home app, then you should be able to see your cameras in the Google Home app provided you're logging into both apps with the same Google Account.

There is an error that many thermostat customers have been encountering for over a year, where thermostats installed in the Google Nest app do not appear AUTOMATICALLY in the Google Home app, as they should. Many of these customers have tried this simple workaround to fix the problem; perhaps it will work for you as well:

1) In the Google Nest app, create a new, temporary Google Nest "home/structure".

2) Go to that same empty Google Nest "home/structure" in the Google Home app and delete it.

3) This apparently forces the 2 apps to sync, and the thermostat then appears in the Google Home app.

Perhaps it will cause your cameras to appear in the Google Home app.

Yes, the issue is that I have some devices that can only be installed on Google home, but others that can only be installed on nest. unfortunately, the nest app won’t let me add my old “home” to the app. I tried creating a new home in the nest app while working with a nest thermostat tech, but the home wouldn’t sync to my Google home app. Essentially, I can’t even start over and re- add everything bc my nest app and google home and now won’t sync. 

Thank you. I tried doing this with the nest thermostat tech, but the temp home didn’t show in my Google home app. I can’t seem to get in touch with anyone at Google who can view all apps in the ecosystem and not just individually troubleshoot each device type. Very frustrating and 100% am issue caused my nest and Google home apps not syncing. 

Solutions Expert
Solutions Expert

Hello @FrustratedHome ,

I would also recommend following up the advice being provided above. One of the reasons for the issues you are encountering could be because of Nest apps being migrated to Google Home, hence the password change might be causing the issue. 

You can try starting the entire process from scratch by creating the account and home structure on the Google Home App and adding the devices. If the issue still continues to persist I recommend opening a ticket in this regard on the Public Issue Tracker

Thank you. This issue is 100% caused my the reset of password and lack of real integration between nest and Google home apps. I’ve realized that the only thing I can do without Google supporting me is re-add all of my devices. The issue is that I can’t add my thermostats to the Google home app only the nest app, which is what was confirmed by Google tech support. So while I can add my cameras and WiFi pro devices, my door lock and thermostats won’t connect. Any advice? Anyone from Google out there that can support???


The Nest Learning Thermostat and Nest Thermostat E get installed in the Google Nest app, but once installed should appear in the Google Home app AUTOMATICALLY if you are logging onto both the Google Nest app and Google Home app with the same Google Account (except when the error I mentioned in my earlier reply occurs, and then the workaround should address that). I can't speak to the door locks.

Thank you. I’ve tried that workaround even while on the phone with a google nest thermostat technician, but the temp home doesn’t appear in Google home app. 


That's strange. It's like the 2 apps are out of sync even though you're logging onto both with the same Google Account. And it's odd that the Google Nest technician couldn't help resolve it.
