01-10-2025 07:50 PM
Dear Developer,
I am in the process of integrating our company's lawn mower with Google Home and currently debugging it. We have encountered the following issues and would greatly appreciate your help in resolving them:
When controlling the mower via Google Assistant on my phone, Google Assistant returns "can not reach device," but the mower receives and executes the command normally, and the logs can be seen on the cloud. When controlling the mower via Google Nest voice command, it returns "cannot reach," the mower does not receive the command, and no logs are available on the cloud. Could you please help us understand why Google Assistant on the phone can control the mower, but still shows the "can not reach device" message? Additionally, why is Google Nest completely unable to control the mower? Could this be because our integration has not been released to the production environment yet?
We would greatly appreciate your insights.
Thank you!
01-10-2025 07:51 PM
This is a screenshot of my operation through Google Assistant on my mobile phone, but Google Nest cannot be voice controlled at all.
01-13-2025 11:09 AM
Have you tried to unlink the mover and link back again? Can you provide the full sync response?