10-15-2022 03:35 PM
How do I make my google home remember things? I followed the advice exactly from https://support.google.com/assistant/answer/7536723?hl=en-GB which says:
Say 'Hey Google, remember that [thing to remember].' For example, you can say 'Hey Google, remember that my spare keys are in the kitchen cabinet.'
Say 'Hey Google, where or what is [thing to remember].' For example, you can say 'Hey Google, where are my spare keys?'
I read these out exactly, and this happened:
Me: "Hey Google, remember that my spare keys are in the kitchen cabinet"
Google: "Ok, I'll remember that"
Me: "Hey Google, where are my spare keys?"
Google: "Sorry, I didn't understand, but I found something related, do you want to know can you track the location of car keys?"
10-15-2022 03:46 PM - edited 10-15-2022 03:50 PM
After further fiddling, this is very difficult to get it to do. You have to do two things to make it work:
1) Only use "what is". "Where is" fails. So "what is my keys" results in the correct "your keys are in the kitchen cabinet". But "where are my keys" tells me where I can get keys cut locally!!
2) Make it personal. "My car is red" works, but "x is 43" does not, as asking "what is x" gives you the definition of x.
Or.... to avoid 2) and get it to remember x, ask "What do you remember about x?"
This needs to be improved.
10-21-2022 10:40 AM
Hi SunnyRio,
We appreciate people who are keen on sharing their thoughts with us. We're always looking for ways to improve. I'd suggest you submit feedback about it, here's how.
Let us know if you have other questions and concerns otherwise, we will be locking this thread after 24 hours.
10-21-2022 07:02 PM
It's already in here and I assume as a member of staff you can pass it on to the feedback team....
10-23-2022 02:26 PM
Hi there,
We seriously take feedback from our valued users like you. That's how we innovate our product. We appreciate you bringing this up to us.
I'll be locking this thread in 24 hours. Feel free to create a new one if you have more questions or have other concerns in the future.