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Google nest mini as speakerphone

Community Member


Is there any way to make google nest work as a speakerphone like in the car? I have a paired device with my phone and phone number. Suppose I am listening to the radio and someone calls to me. I would like the nest to turn down or mute the music during a call. And after the phone call ended, it would return to the previous level of music volume.

And the same when I start a calling to someone (from smartphone).


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi  coookiemonster,


Thanks for posting in the Google Community,


I understand that this would be a helpful feature, however the options are not available. In line with this, we want to encourage you to send feedback from your end and we’re hoping for all the possibilities by taking our user’s feedback and suggestions.


Let us know if you have additional questions, otherwise we'll be locking the thread in 24 hours.


