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History of activity on Nest Hub

Community Member

I have a few questions related to viewing history of things that happened on my account/Nest Hub.

My 4 year old likes to watch YouTube videos on our Nest Hub and often wants to go back and find a video later, but it doesn't show in the history. I've tried going to History on my YouTube account but that's just a history of videos watched on the website/in the app not from the Nest device, I've tried viewing My Activity from the app and it will show, for example, "said play recommended videos" (this is not actually what happened, he was swiping around on the touch screen to start videos but that's not the point), but doesn't tell me what videos actually played (or least not all of them). I was checking just now and it shows 2 Bill Maher videos which we did see on the Nest when it misunderstood what he was asking for, and a Frozen video. But he'd been watching other videos besides the Frozen one. Yesterday it shows 1 video but he watched more than just the one.

2023-04-27 09_48_02-Settings.png

Additionally, the other week I was trying to check if a routine had run and I just missed it, or if it never ran at all. The routine is to make an announcement on the Nest (called "Home Hub" in My Home). I tried looking in My Activity but it doesn't show there, even on days I know it did run. I asked about this the other week and was told I can check either the Feed History (the page button at the bottom right) or My Activity. Feed History is empty, My Activity does not show the routine ran. Here is a screenshot of the routine, and the Feed History and My Activity, and I know the routine did run at 8:50 this morning but it doesn't actually show.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi TenleyH,


I understand that this would be a helpful feature to see the history when playing videos via YouTube on your Nest display; however, this option is not available. In line with this, we want to encourage you to send feedback from your end, and we’re hoping for all the possibilities by taking our users' feedback and suggestions.


Let us know if you have additional questions, otherwise we'll be locking the thread in 24 hours.




Community Member

Ok thanks, where's the best place to send feedback from, in the Home app, from YouTube, both?

Also, what about the second question in my post about history of routines run?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey  TenleyH,


It is best if you could send feedback on both apps. For routines, you should be able to see all the history of your devices' activities on "My Activity." There are times that some actions or activities will take some time to appear but should be there within 24 hours. 


I suggest you try to activate the routine manually on the Google Home app, then check if the action will appear in the history. 


Let me know how it goes.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


We just want to check if you have seen our response posted above. Let us know if you have additional questions, otherwise we'll be locking the thread.



Community Member

I haven't had a chance to check yet, please leave it open for a few more days

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey TenleyH,


How was it? Have you check if the the routines are showing on "My Activity"?




Community Member

I activated a few routines manually (the one in my example above and a couple of smart lights) and none are showing in my activity yet though I will check back later today and tomorrow

Community Member

No they still aren't showing (it's been 22 hours so far, so I'll check one more time later today)

Community Member

26ish hours later and the routines are not showing. I see "used Google Home" from when I opened the app to launch the routines manually, but nothing about the routine itself, and nothing from any of the times the routines ran automatically

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi TenleyH,


Thanks for sticking with us. Please go to this link to check if "Web & App Activity" is enabled. Please make sure to log in the same email used to setup your Nest Hub and routine.




Community Member

Yes it's on

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey TenleyH,


Thanks for confirming. What country are you located in? Also, how many accounts are linked on your device?




Community Member

In the US. I believe there are 2 accounts on the device (I checked My Activity for both)

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi TenleyH,


We appreciate your efforts. We'd be happy to take a look into this for you. Please fill out this form with all the needed information then let me know once done.



Community Member

Just filled out the form

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi TenleyH,


Thanks — we got your form and we've escalated it over to our higher level of support for further review. Please keep an eye on your inbox as someone will get back in touch with you soon. 



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi TenleyH,


I've seen that you have been assisted via email. I'll consider this post as complete and will lock the thread in 24 hours.



Community Member

I have not heard anything further on this issue since the confirmation my report was received

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi TenleyH,


Thanks for getting back to us. Have you seen the last email sent to you last 14th of May?




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey there,


I wanted to follow up and see if you still need help. Please let me know if you are still having any concerns or questions from here, as I would be happy to take a closer look and assist you further.




The last email I received was the confirming my form was received and would be looked in to but I never heard anything about further troubleshooting or info on the problem

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi TenleyH,


I understand! Let me work on this with the higher tier of support and will get back to you once there’s an update.


Kind regards,


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey TenleyH,


My apologies for the lack of updates here. We are still investigating the issue. Please bear with us on this matter. We'll make sure to get back to you again once we have more information to share.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


Just a quick update. We sent you an email and one of our team members is waiting for your response. Please check your inbox to confirm.




Community Member

Yes I got the email, but it was about being unable to view a history of YouTube videos watched on the Home device which was already answered here. The question that I was waiting on a response about was viewing a history of routines run (announcements by Google and other smart home devices Google turns on/off)

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey TenleyH,


Got it! I'll check this with the team and get back to you again for update.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi TenleyH,


Sorry for the delays. Could you tell us the current version of the Google Home app on your phone?




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


Thanks for confirming. I believe one of our team members has already sent you an email. Please make sure to check your inbox and respond via email so we can continue with the next steps.




Community Member

I have not received any other emails (I checked spam too)

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello TenleyH,


Upon checking, the email has been sent to the same account linked to your Community profile. Please check your inbox and look for an email with the subject line: "Your Google Support Inquiry: Case ID [8-2742000034307]."




Community Member

I have searched my email for this case ID (including spam and trash) and the only emails I find are the notifications of your posts here. Please have them resend it

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey TenleyH,


We will resend the email. If you have multiple accounts linked to your phone, I recommend checking your other email accounts as well.




Community Member

Sorry for the delay, it was never received. I checked all my email accounts and the spam folder on all of them

Community Member


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


To see all your device history, please access "Activity" on the Google Home app. You can also check it on your account by following the steps below:


  1. Open the Google Home app.
  2. Tap "Settings" on the lower right corner
  3. Scroll down to find Google Assistant > manage all Assistant settings.
  4. Scroll down, and look for "Your data in the Assistant."


Hope this helps.





Community Member

Under Activity in the Home app I now see SOME of the annoucements my Google speakers make, it shows the "Household Routines" but not the "Personal Routines" 

I also followed the above recommendations, under Assistant activity is just when I activate Google Assistant on one of my devices (so nothing to do with routines), but not activity from smart devices. Under Google Activity, I do see the routine running to turn OFF my smart lights, but I do not see the routine to turn them on (even when I know they have been turned on). Both of these routines are set up under Personal Routines in the app.

So, progress I guess? Seeing about half of my routines in various places but for some reason not all of them.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey TenleyH,


My apologies for the delays. To confirm, did you see those activities under "Home Activity."? If not, please follow the steps below and see if you can find the actions that you are looking for:


  1. Open the Google Home app.
  2. Settings > Privacy > Home Activity.
  3. Under an activity in history, tap Details.




Community Member

Yes I have looked here