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My Nest Mini says YouTube Music isn't available in Bangladesh

Community Member

I just moved to Bangladesh and brought along my Nest Mini speakers. When I say "OK Google, play music," it replies, "Playing on YouTube Music" and it plays stuff from my music library on YouTube Music. But when I say "OK Google, play Michael Jackson" it says, "Sorry, YouTube Music isn't available in your country."

Note: I have a paid YouTube Music Premium subscription in the U. S., and YouTube Music Premium is indeed currently available in Bangladesh.

What am I doing wrong?


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Needshelp,

I understand how this can be important to you since you have paid for a YouTube music subscription; however, Bangladesh is yet to be fully supported for Google Home and Nest devices such as your Google Nest Mini. Hence, playing music may or may not work there. We can try doing some troubleshooting steps, but it still may or may not work. 


Give this a try:


  • Open the Google Home app > Devices button > Choose your Google Nest Mini device > Remove device > Remove.
  • Back to the Devices button, scroll down to Other cast/Local device > Tap your Google Nest Mini device > Add to a room > Follow the instructions in adding it back to a room.
  • Go to Settings > Music > Choose “No default provider” and then back to YouTube.
  • Command Google Nest Mini to play a specific song.


Community Member

Thanks Alex. (The only other country options that Nest gives when you try to create an account are China and Russia.) I tried what you suggested but that results in my speaker defaulting to Spotify.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,

Can you see the option for YouTube under the Music settings in the Google Home app? If yes, once you choose it as the default provider, is it showing that your premium subscription is active? Try the command: “Hey Google, play <music> on YouTube”.
