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Nest Hub unable to work with my shopping list after keep update

Community Member


today the transfer of my Assistant Shopping list to Google Keep went live.


We have two Nest Hub devices at home. Both of them now are unable to (1) show my shopping list and (2) confirm/say anything when a new item is added.


Issue 1:

-before: "hey google show me my shopping list" -> nest hub displays shopping list on screen

-now: "hey google show me my shopping list" -> "I can't find a list called "shopping list". "Hey google show me my list called shopping" -> (same answer)+ "do you want me to show you all your lists?" -> proceeds to show on screen my lists, including my shopping list.


Issue 2:

-before: "hey google add eggs to my shopping list" -> "added x to the shopping list" (shown on screen)

-now: "hey google add eggs to my shopping list" -> shows nothing, says nothing, but eggs are actually added to keep.


These are really basic features we use daily. Any solution?btw I'm using Google Assistant in Italian


Community Member

Similar isues here (Netherlands). After Google moved my shopping lists to Keep, I'm not able to add items to the shopping list in Keep via commands in Google assistant.

Community Member

For dutch users: I am able to add items to my shopping list via the following voice command: Voeg <item> toe aan mijn boodschappenlijst.

Stil not able to use the following voice commands:

- 'Zet <item> op de boodschappenlijst'

- 'Wat staat er op mijn boodschappenlijst?' 

Community Member

klopt helemaal het werkt wel als je zegt "hey google" voeg aardappelen toe aan mijn boodschappenlijst. 

Community Member

Je bent een held. Dit werkt.

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I have the same issue with Google Home. Really annoying 

Community Member

In my case google replies that there is a problem with reading my shopping list, try again later. I have been trying for 2 weeks already

Community Member

Problem solved : After deleting all the “ Gmail” notes in my iPhone notes, it is finally working again , however with the phrase “voeg -item- toe as mentioned by Enrico. Thanks! 

Community Member

I have the same problem (Norway).

Community Member

Whenever I ask 'Okay Google, what's on the shopping list?' via Google Home mini, Google responds with 'Looks like there are no timers set right now' (translated from dutch 'Zo te zien zijn er nu geen timers ingesteld').

Community Member

Yes when I try to add an item to my shopping list Google says "for how long?" As though I asked to set a timer. 

Community Member

Same problem (in Denmark). Not able to get Google Nest Hub to show me my shopping list. How ever it does put new item when asked to the shopping list in Google Keep. Please Fix.


Community Member

Same issued in Austria. I m working with different APIs from Google.As Developer It seems to me, they want to switch everything to google.tasks and let the other "reminders" die.Impossible to create typical shopping list with google.tasks API and let Assistent handle It.

Community Member

I have send feedback of this broken shopping list functionality to Google via the feedback option in the Google Home app

Community Member

Me too, but nobody replies.

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Same problem in Norway ☹️

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Same in the UK...

Community Member

Same in BE

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same here (The Netherlands)

Community Member

I can confirm that in Dutch "voeg X toe aan mijn boodschappenlijst" (add X to the shopping list) works, and "zet  X op mijn boodschappenlijst" (put X on the shopping list) doesn't.

For showing (or hearing it on non sceen devices) "Laat de boodschappenlijst zien" works (Show the shopping list). This also works on devices without a screen, the device will list the items. "Wat staat er op de boodschappenlijst" (What's on the shopping list) will give a message about timers.

Community Member

The command to show the shopping list (in dutch) doesn't work for me on my Nest audio. This Google shopping list update is still a downgrade for me, the daily used shopping list is useless now. I hope Google will fix this broken functionality asap. 

Community Member

nice , thnx for the updates, there is indeed a difference between keywords "Voeg" and "Zet / Plaats" !!

Community Member

Today Google changed something and the broken shopping list functionality has been improved. Now I am able to add items via 'Voeg <item> toe aan mijn boodschappen lijst' and to read items via 'Wat staat er op mijn boodschappenlijst?' . Every shared member / contributor to the shoppinglist needs to have voice match enabled.

Ik would be great if the command 'Zet <item> op de boodschappenlijst' would also work. Dutch users would like to have this as further improvement. 

yeah, already glad that "Voeg ..." now works, ...


i was so happy 3 years ago, when google decided to start with google keep as a provider, but it was never possible for dutch users to select Google Keep as a provider, it only worked in US language...

For me its indeed an improvement, but indeed some bug with the words...

Community Member

The grocery list google had two generations ago was better than the last one.  This one (on Keep) should ensure that there won’t be any future users.

Community Member

Google Nest Hub max is now working again and showing my shopping list(now from Google Keep) on the display. Hooray !

Are you dutch, what command are you using?

Community Member

Since switching from Shopping List to Google Keep, it's just become more of a hassle. It works fine to add things, but Assistant no longer confirms what exactly it has added to the list. Nest Hub can also no longer display the list, but can only read it out loud. How stupid is that? Why does Google change something and only make it worse? Especially with Shopping List, third-party apps were really wonderful for a long time...

Community Member

The grocery list google had two generations ago was better than the last one.  This one (on Keep) should ensure that there won’t be any future users.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello folks,


Appreciate you all for flagging this in the community! We've let the right folks know, and they're looking into this.


Keep in mind that lists that are too large for Google Keep are available to download through Google Takeout. Learn more about why some of your data might not be moved here:


In the meantime, we suggest creating a new list with checkboxes on Keep. Name it "Shopping List" (or the corresponding name in your location), and Assistant should be able to update it.


Please stay tuned to this thread for updates. Hope this helps!




Hi, thnz for this feedback, let Google know also, that it's only possible if the list is renamed to "shopping list" in keep , other lists are not possible (dutch)

Community Member

And how about some basic functionality like being able to alphabetize the list automatically. The old version coul do this and more.  In short the list in Keep is amateur at best

Community Member

Since today it is a complete mess again. What is Google doing?

I discovered that in Dutch "voeg X toe aan mijn boodschappenlijst" (add X to the shopping list) doesn't work anymore, and "zet  X op mijn boodschappenlijst" (put X on the shopping list) still doesn't.

Shopping list completely made useless again by Google engineers. Does Google even test the changes they make to the software? Certainly a quality issue in the software change process. It feels like I am the beta tester for the shopping list service. 🤔

Community Member

Since a few days the answer on voeg.... toe aan mijn boodschappenlijst is:
There already exists a shoppinglist, will you add one???
When I say no it doesn't add the item to the list.
When I say yes it adds a new boodschappenlijst with the items of the old one
but doesn't add the item itself.

Hmm, for me it works, my list is called "boodschappenlijst" , i just need to say in dutch:

Voeg "aardappelen" toe aan de lijst

Saying "lijst" is enough, i dont need to say "boodschappenlijst" at all

Weer een nieuw probleem: Bij elke nieuwe toevoeging aan de lijst krijg ik als antwoord: "Zo te zien heb je al een lijst met die naam. Wil je nog steeds een nieuwe maken?"

Idd, dit ervaar ik nu ook!!! Omg wat een klungels bij Google!!!

Community Member

Had ik ook 
Voeg "aardappelen" toe aan de (boodschappen) lijst werkt bij mij wel

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Ik kon op die manier precies 2 artikelen toevoegen aan de boodschappenlijst. Bij het derde artikel snapt hij het weer niet en vraag of hij een nieuwe lijst moet maken!