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Nest hub recipe ingredients

Community Member

I'm using my nest hub to display a recipe for choc chip cookies for my kids to follow along with. On the main website for the recipe, the ingredients are listed in cups or teaspoons, but when the recipe is generated into the nest hub, all of the cup measurements have been converted to millilitres, (eg 1 and 3/4cups flour is displayed as 437.5ml flour) and teaspoon measurement as grams(eg 1 tsp vanilla extract as 4.4gm). Is anyone aware of how to change this settings to keep the original website measurements? 


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey Onceopened,


Thanks for sharing details about the issue here. I know how important it is to have correct measurements when baking. To confirm, do you have the same issue with other recipes? From what website did you get the recipe?


Please note that there are no settings on the Nest Hub display to change the unit measurements of your recipe. The information shown on Nest display will depend on the things supplied by the website itself.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


I just wanted to check, do you have additional concerns or questions about your device?



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello Onceopened, 

I'm checking in to make sure that you've seen our responses. Please let us know if you have any additional questions or concerns before we close this thread in 24 hours. 

Best regards, 