11-29-2023 09:15 AM
Hi Google
continuing thread
We had IFTTT working 2 years ago to send SMS when saying 'Hey Google, Send text to xyz'
Google removed the option last year.
this is REALLY crucial to my mum, as she is registered blind, you have cut off the only means for her to communicate to the outside world and family.
so what is the solution ?
How is Google going to fix this?
12-19-2023 06:24 AM
Thanks for reaching out to the Community.
Changes are coming to how Google Assistant works with IFTTT — while these services will move to a different platform, you can still reconnect IFTTT to your Google Home App and rebuild or re-add your Applets. Here's how: https://goo.gle/3Sql4zd
12-19-2023 07:07 AM
I need Google to validate this.
when I look, I no longer see the "Say a phrase with a text ingredient" in IFTTT.
Please do not dismiss this request. It's a serious request for Google to provide a much needed service for the BLIND that they can speak "send a text message" on google nest and IFTTT together will send the message...
12-19-2023 07:27 AM
The following process here no longer works
1) 'Google Assistant V2' is not listed as an option in IFTTT
2) if you use 'Google Assistant' then there is not an option to add a text entry variable field like $, hence whilst you can make it trigger, you can no longer add a variable text statement under '$', i.e "Hey Google, Activate Text Louise How are you today" which used to be set as action "Text Louise $" and the '$' would be the variable text to send on the SMS
3) as before, please do not reply and close this. we need Google to provide a solution here for the BLIND, that was working till you removed the service
12-21-2023 08:40 AM
Hello there,
Thanks for responding. Upon checking IFTTT's webpage, here are the only integrations that they have with Google Assistant: https://goo.gle/3QQK83Y
Keep me posted.
12-21-2023 10:25 AM
Right, so it's still broken. WHAT is the solution from Google for the BLIND to have google nest speaker send a text message to someone ?
PLEASE take this seriously, chase a solution internally at Google, the BLIND deserve better than this, google have removed a LIFE SAVING feature
12-22-2023 01:41 PM
I understand where you coming from and I know it's a big help to have that available again. In line with this, we’d like to encourage you to send a feedback for any features that you’re looking forward to using with our Google Nest devices.
Let us know if you have additional questions and I'd be happy to answer it for you.
12-22-2023 02:08 PM
so, you have the request as above ? i don't need to keep restating the ask here ? what is the commit timeframe to implement ? and a tracking case ID ? appreciated, and thank-you in advance.
01-03-2024 06:13 AM
Hey there,
Apologies for the late response. I wish we can provide you a timeline to when it will be available. Right now, the ball is on IFTTT's end if they will add this specific command to their list. Let's be positive that this will be available soon on their end.
01-03-2024 06:16 AM
A solution here is all within the hands-of Google. You have all of the software and developers available to create a solution here, much needed for the blind, that was all removed by a policy change in Google. So please do the right thing here and ask for a timeline to produce a solution here to text a message using google nest.
01-10-2024 10:17 AM
Hi Florida-Rob,
I totally understand. No worries, we'll take this as a feedback and let's see what will IFTTT will do to make these changes.
01-10-2024 01:43 PM
No, what is GOOGLE going to do about this ? its YOUR product. so how doe GOOGLE allow a user to place a text message from a voice command on the nest ?