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Strange popping sound in my nest mini

Community Member

Hello, I’ve just got my best mini about a month ago, and it’s been great so far. That being said, in the past week I’ve been hearing this sort or popping or cracking sound, similar to what you would hear if you had dust on a vinyl record and tried to play it. I haven’t heard it happen when the assistant is responding to me, but they don’t happen on a schedule or anything, more randomly. I’ve unplugged it and plugged it back in, rebooted it through the Home app, and tried plugging it into a different outlet. I’m pretty sure it’s not my wifi, and I’d like to avoid a factory reset if possible but I’m running out of options. Any help?

2 Recommended AnswerS

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


I understand that the issue with the Nest Mini producing popping/clicking  sounds has been ongoing for quite some time, and I apologize for the inconvenience it has caused so far. Our team is actively working on a fix, but unfortunately, I do not have any additional updates to share at this time. Rest assured, I will continue to stay in touch with the team and provide updates on this thread as soon as possible.




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Community Manager (Admin)
Community Manager (Admin)

Hey everyone,

Apologies, this thread was recently closed by mistake. I've reopened it as I know this still impacts many of you and helps organize the conversation.

I also know it's been taking longer than expected, but the issue hasn't fallen off our radar. The team is still working on it and I hope to have more to share soon. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your patience.

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709 REPLIES 709

Community Member

My two year old Mini recently started doing this. I've been talking to Google Nest Support directly, but no resolution yet, sorry.

Community Member

I am also getting this on my speakers, it's quite regular and really annoying especially as we have sleep sounds on through the night. 😡

After many exchanges with the Nest support people on Twitter, including accepted evidence of my device's sound distortion via their own cloud Recorder app, they decided the problem "may be software related" (firmware, etc.), but that I should just buy a replacement as mine was out of warranty. Hilarious.

I already knew it was most likely a software problem given how it manifested.

No response, to date, of me pointing out that a new device could also be affected!

SO... those without warranty will throw the NEST MINI in the recycle BIN?????

We had issues with the main hub and my partner gave it to his friend..Haven’t heard of the issues replicating there.. Think some things must be network issues. (Just a feeling not qualified opinion) 

@Linlen It seems we're not on the same page here. We are referring to the mini-nest speakers, not the hub. In any event, most people have ignored this issue especially if they're given a device for free (just my guess). As mentioned a few times by others, using these "smart" speakers is declining rapidly until the new wave of AI speakers will hit the market.

I've the hub ( I should have said above different issues with the hub) and 2 nest speakers. It's the main bedroom nest speaker the popping happens on.. What I guess is what I was saying is I don't feel it's a general hardware thing.. I've turned off the ultrasound sensing again.. 
If you wish to create the reddit / forum elsewhere that you refer to below that's grand too sure let us know.. Good to have main thread here - surely all the brainiacs on this and employed by Google will eventually resolve or at least identify the cause.. 

Buy a replacement? Sure, just make sure the replacement is an echo or something from another company. The gall!

I literally bought a new one when mine started doing this, thinking I had blown the speaker or something. The new one does it too 🤣🙃

Community Member

Did the exact same thing! My original speaker was a few years old so thought it was because of that. 

Google shouldn't still be selling them when they are aware of software issue with the devices. Happy to continue taking people's money for a faulty product.

That's EXACTLY what the Google Nest is right now... a FAULTY line of products!

I can't really understand why this is taking so long to resolve!

That's makes no sense. If it's the software, no matter what camera you buy as soon as you update to newest software it's going to do it too. 

This is the question I've been making forever!

Many users say they only started to listening the POPPING few months ago!

BUT... there are many reports that date 3 YEARS ago (look that the replies here, i posted dozens of links to those reports)

So... the problem WAS there 3 years ago!

Was it solved and reintroduced??

Was it there ALL along?

I believe that for some users the problem was unnoticed until they started STREAMING more often, or even at low volumes, with more "calm" music... etc... so, it's hard to clearly state that the problem started (again???) for everyone "few" months ago!

I can speak for myself! I bought few devices around 10-2023, and THEY ALL POP!!! They have manufacture dates of 2022 (and yes... i noticed the POPPING since DAY 1... i was really annoyed on DAY 2... and been gathering info and contacting Google ever since, to NO AVAIL. They did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Currently, support no longer replies)

So, as i said earlier... i have 3 YEARS warranty! When i get tired of this, i will return all my devices!

I think it was always there but something makes it worse sometimes.
For example having the speakers in a stereo pair definitely amplifies the issue, not just because there are 2 popping, both are popping more often.

Also, for a few months I was fine with "chillout sleep music". I can swear on it, I played it, was able to fall asleep, have light sleep and still hear them, all good, then 2 3 ..5 hours later only it would have some popping, sometimes waking up to hear them, sometimes, I was fine with it.

Then, 2 months ago, something major made it terrible, could be environment, humidity I set in my home, WiFi interference, God knows what but they were unusable, even on music even a bit louder still popping like crazy. Shut them of, on, dust them, shake them, curse them, smack them..

Now a bit better again.

Know what?!.. In the end I'm the stupid one, I don't need them really, I have another nest audio pair in the living room almost never use them as I also have the beefy audio system there. Can just swap the **bleep**-show-mini from bedroom. BUT I am just frustrated with them as a product of a company I used to value...

Well, i really use them... i used a Bluetooth speaker, but it's not that practical (because i need a "manual" source for streaming)

I just think this is really OUTRAGEOUS to customers... and coming from such a company!

For god's sake!!! It's GOOGLE!!!

GOOGLE cannot FIX a stupid BUG like this one?

If they can't, just SAY IT!!! And we (the bothered ones) will MOVE ON!!!

But, hell, SAY IT!

"We do not have the expertise to FIX this BUG"!


"It's NOT a BUG, it's a SOFTWARE PROBLEM that we cannot solve because we CANNOT USE the SONOS CODE anymore and we don't know how to make it WORK with our own CODE!!!"

@crysty0612  Something triggered the popping...

Yet... they have been reported since +3 years ago!! 😕

Community Member

Exactly, specially whit the sleeping sounds. Is almost like the speaker wants us to not have a good sleep. Does this uses AI? Maybe is trying not to let us rest 😅

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello folks,


Thanks for visiting the Community.


My apologies for the late response. I know how challenging it is when you're having issues with your Google Nest speakers. Let's try to get to the bottom of this. To confirm, does it only happen when the device is on idle mode or while playing music? Please try turning off the ultrasound sensing on your device and let's see if it still has the same issue. Follow the steps below to know-how:


  1. Open the Google Home app.
  2. Tap Favorites or Devices.
  3. Touch and hold your device's tile.
  4. Tap Settings and then Recognition & sharing.
  5. Turn Ultrasound sensing off.


Let me know how it goes.




Community Member

The sound occurs when the speaker is playing audio, such as music off Spotify. I tried turning the ultrasound sensing off as you suggested and for a while I thought it worked but now I’ve heard the sound again. Is it possible that this would be resolved by a future bug fix in an update? Is there anything else I can do to fix this?

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey everyone,


Could you tell us the current firmware version of your Nest Mini? Also, what country are you located in?




Community Member

I am from the US, on the East coast. My firmware version is 356012.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi limuremu,


Could you tell us when and where you purchased your device?




Community Member

I purchased it from Target probably around June 9th 2023.

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey limuremu,


Thanks for the quick response. Please fill out this form with all the needed information. This form is only meant for you to use, so let me know once you’re done.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


@limuremu, we haven’t received your form. Kindly fill it out so we can continue with the next step.


@88457c3610, @Kma123, let us know of the answers asked above so we can further assist you.



Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey everyone,


A quick update. Our team is aware of this behavior on the Nest Mini. To help the team to further look into this, please send feedback on your device by saying, "Hey Google, send feedback," followed by the keywords: GHT3 popping sound on Nest Mini. Learn more about how to send feedback on our Help Center.


I'll update the thread once I have more information to share.




Community Member

Is there any resolution to this yet?

It's becoming extremely frustrating as I use my nest mini to play sleep sounds/music to distract from my tinnitus but this is getting worse day by day! 

I've done the report feedback followed by the above keywords. 

Did you ever find something else to use at night to help with your tinnitus?

Community Member

After speaking to support they've told me to come here to ask the question rather than troubleshooting their own products. There's a popping noise coming from my various Google Nest speakers Mini, Audio and Max. It seems to be just a short crackle pop noise that affects different speakers at different times not all the same time. Has anyone else noticed this with theirs?


Video clip noise at 5 seconds.

Edit: seems to be more frequent now with a pop every 30 seconds to a minute.


I deleted the cache from the YouTube music app and Google Home app. Ultrasound sensing is turned off on all speakers.

As with many posts on the community forum they get locked please don't lock this until I have found some resolve for the issue so I don't have to keep on reposting thank you.

Popping noise also apparent with media playing from different sources such as SoundCloud.

What's the CACHE of an installed APP in a random DEVICE has to do with this???

Google NEST products connect DIRECTLY with the WiFi network, NOT with any device that has Youtube / Spotify / Google Home or any other APP!

They are autonomous!!!

You can disconnect ALL of your network devices (except the WiFi AP/Router, of course!)

I've had this issue with speakers in general and each time in the past when I had a speaker start doing that it was a result of physical/mechanical faults. Those other speaker companies were happy to replace any faulty crackling/buzzing speaker for me, but Google idk if they would they would need to first acknowledge the issue which is probably the biggest challenge. 

I doubt it's a mechanical fault. I have 10 speakers of which it's occurred on most of them and started at the same time. Google been informed but as usual they're reluctant to admit it's something they've caused or a fault with the last update or whatever. Same old troubleshooting steps which solve nothing!

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


Our team is already aware of this and currently investigating this issue. Since this is the same discussion, we'll move this conversation to the main thread and we'll continue to update it as soon as we have some news to share.


Please note that once done this thread will be locked.




Community Member

ONE YEAR later...