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Strange popping sound in my nest mini

Community Member

Hello, I’ve just got my best mini about a month ago, and it’s been great so far. That being said, in the past week I’ve been hearing this sort or popping or cracking sound, similar to what you would hear if you had dust on a vinyl record and tried to play it. I haven’t heard it happen when the assistant is responding to me, but they don’t happen on a schedule or anything, more randomly. I’ve unplugged it and plugged it back in, rebooted it through the Home app, and tried plugging it into a different outlet. I’m pretty sure it’s not my wifi, and I’d like to avoid a factory reset if possible but I’m running out of options. Any help?

2 Recommended AnswerS

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi folks,


I understand that the issue with the Nest Mini producing popping/clicking  sounds has been ongoing for quite some time, and I apologize for the inconvenience it has caused so far. Our team is actively working on a fix, but unfortunately, I do not have any additional updates to share at this time. Rest assured, I will continue to stay in touch with the team and provide updates on this thread as soon as possible.




View Recommended Answer in original post

Community Manager (Admin)
Community Manager (Admin)

Hey everyone,

Apologies, this thread was recently closed by mistake. I've reopened it as I know this still impacts many of you and helps organize the conversation.

I also know it's been taking longer than expected, but the issue hasn't fallen off our radar. The team is still working on it and I hope to have more to share soon. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your patience.

View Recommended Answer in original post

707 REPLIES 707

Community Member

Will this ever be fixed?? We even bought a new Home speaker hoping it was a hardware issue. Until we noticed that ALL our Home speakers have the same problem..

Must be software related and updatable. Does Google care about their customers??

No, it doesn't.

I LOVE Google, and everything it has done for the human race (Google Earth is the most wonderful "free" technological marvel of all times), but... concerning this problem, Google simply does NOT care!

ZERO feedback...

Oh no. Not you too. Have you tested your drinking water? 

Community Member

Ask for a refund if you can.
In this forum there is no reply from the manufacturer since long time.
I tried opening a new thread but it was merged into this one that is marked as solved.

I think that the reply to your question is pretty obvious and this is the case also for other products and services from the same company.

@Forsefrits there's a better change Trump will be incarcerated than Google fixing this issue.  In other words, no. It won't be resolved for current devices.

😞Happening to me on all six of my speakers (nest and nest minis)...really sorry to have invested in Google as my surround sound system with this not being fixable.

Sorry to hear that...

We are all on the same boat...

Open a support ticket, keep posting, send feedback through the device every day if possible...

Community Member

Still an issue and NOT resolved. This is Ludacris Google. You have established a track record across many of your products for not supporting them well.  Get it together. So many people reporting this issue with multiple speakers and you still haven't fixed it. 

Any resolution to this issue? Any updates???

Nest mini popping and cracking frequently, paired with bigger Google nest speakers that also have the issue. An update is needed as this issue is frustrating and no reply to this post since August 2023....

So annoying trying to sleep or RELAX with the Google Nest mini speakers POPPING all the time!!!

Community Member

I'm happy for you but as many have tried (including myself) disabling the ultrasound is not solving the issue. The popping noise is still present even if I disabled the ultrasound.

Community Member

As tested by most of "us" and posted here!

Community Member

@pluriWhy so gullible?

LDriess is a shil. They signed up just to make one single bogus comment when we all know turning off ultransensing  doesn't resolve the issue in any way. 



Community Member

@Hmm_8888  Do you know what an ironic response is? Please don't call me gullible!

Check my other posts to see what I think about this issue.

Community Member

Haha, sounds a bit like believing homeopathic pellets (sugar pills) are a cure for what ails you: either you're banking on the placebo effect or a Google shill. My guess is with this being your only post, it's the latter.

Let us know how it goes after a few weeks of dedicated use, but only if you're serious about it, @LDriess 🤣

cc: @pluri 

Disabling the ULTRASOUND is NOT a solution!!

It DOES NOT SOLVE anything!

Community Member

doesn't solve it

Community Member

@LDriess You linked a Reddit post started 4 year ago ... where the latest posts, of 1 year ago, say:

-"i tried this and it is still popping any other suggestions???"

-"This worked for a few weeks, then the popping came back 😩😩😩".

... so do your homeworks better and try to understand if this is a real solution.

Community Member

I suggest refraining or avoid responding to trolls, shills, and sophists who are gaslighting and trying to derail this thread.


But please don't unsubscribe...

Keep this thread ALIVE!

Community Member

When will Google fix this popping noise? 

@Pitthart Perhaps when you learn to read and comprehend the context of this thread.

Community Member

This is still happening after all this time. Is the team there actually working on this at all? 


There are so many outstanding issues with Google Home, Youtube Music, Android auto  currently that have been issues for months or years. It's baffling how a company with the resources of Google can't manage these issues!

I'm so sick of hearing "working on a solution". It sounds disingenuous at this point. The popping has been going on for years. Speaker groups have been broken for years. I no longer believe there is anyone working on any solutions.

I paid a lot of money for these devices for this exact functionality, and you recognize they are broken. I think we should get our money back for all the devices. Why should your most loyal customers be the ones who suffer most? Do we need to start a class action suit for buying speakers that can't be used as speakers? If the advertised features are known not to work, you should be offering refunds. 


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey everyone,


Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience. We're working on a fix. Stay tuned to this thread for updates.




Continuously saying 'we are working on a fix', and doing nothing, is not acceptable. Are you aware that under UK law if something purchase is not fit for purpose then you are legally obliged to offer a refund?

I expect you are going to reply, sometime, and say 'we are working on a fix'. Google clearly do not give a hoot about their customers.

I have a number of nest speakers, where the 'popping' has deteriorated to the point now where they are unusable.

What are you going to do about it, other than tell me you are working on a fix?

Google as a company should hang their heads in shame.

They have known about this for over a year.

Community Member

Silent for over 2 months. Which keyword will wake this bot? OK Google...

Nothing will. The end.

Don't get me wrong, but are you doing anything besides posting here? You seem like an active very interested party in this subject (were here before me)

@marcolopes wrote:

Don't get me wrong, but are you doing anything besides posting here? You seem like an active very interested party in this subject (were here before me)

There's nothing (more) to do.   We certainly should be bumping this thread every week but let's not become OCD about it. We'll get banned if we do. 

The sound happens when I play Spotify music. And I went to the settings and i don’t have the ultrasound option…?

Community Member

Hoping for a reply and update. Silence is never helpful.

Community Member

I don't have "ultrasound sensing" as an option under Recognition and Sharing!

It doesn't matter it is a software issue.

Community Member

I'm not holding my breath that disabling ultrasound sensing solves the problem, but here it is in the Recognition & Sharing menu. I'm on firmware 375114. 


Community Member

This resolves NOTHING.

And even if it did!!!

Should users disable a useful feature to resolve a firmware BUG??



Community Member

I found the problem - the reason this is happening is due to ultrasound sensing being turned on. To turn this off, click on your speaker in the Google Home app, then click the Settings icon in the top right, then Recognition and sharing, then turn off the option called Ultrasound Sensing. Thanks!

That has been discussed many times and is not a solution. The problem will return. Also; how would you turn off Ultrasound Sensing on a Nest Audio as it does not have that option?