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Wifi disconnects

Community Member

I have a strange problem I have 5 pairs of google speakers original, mini, nest mini and max, one of the original pairs randomly disconnects from WiFi I have done everything. This setup has worked perfectly for years I have moved them close to the router, reset them and the router, moved another identical pair to the position they where but not changed any settings so now in kitchen but named music room they work fine. If I unplug the faulting ones they reconnect sometimes for a few days. I am now trying them unpaired 



1 Recommended Answer

Community Member

Just to let anyone interested know I swapped the router to a ISP supplied Plusnet  Sagecom router and all problems fixed the first gen home speakers have been in a pair for 3 days and perfectly working. 
I received an email from AVM Fritzbox saying that they know about a problem with Chromecast devices and to turn off N type WiFi go to WiFi settings and select WiFi 3 

still don’t know what changed to cause all these problems but something must have 

AVM said a fix would come 

View Recommended Answer in original post


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Anthonyplace,


I know how it feels when something isn’t working the way it should. Let’s further look into it. Try to unpair this Google Home speaker pair, and then monitor their individual behavior. See if one of them will disconnect from the Wi-Fi.


I have done that and removed the ones that are disconnecting, It seems it's the original Google Home and Home Mini that are affected I have a few Nest minis and displays not affected up to now. Everything has worked perfectly as is for a few years up until approx 3 weeks ago 

I have removed 3 speakers and will let you know "Hold on while I connect to WI-FI" is what I get and the speaker some times has changed its name in the app iOS apple and in the devise list the speaker groups start jumping about  

Community Member

I seems a lot of users are experiencing since the firmware update. 

Google Home2.57.375114

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi there,


Thanks for the update. To confirm, have you tried connecting those speakers to a different network, like a mobile hotspot, to check if you will have the same issues?




Yes I have tried. All my nest minis are ok and my displays second generation are ok my large display is ok . I have 4 original home speakers they were in 2 pairs and then unpaired and reset they are disconnecting and two home minis in one pair unpaired and reset just the same behaviour. Also a pair of home max speakers work fine. This has been a system for a few years and has given no trouble till a few weeks ago I am out in the country with no neighbours to cause interference problems I see a lot of people with similar issues since the new firmware 


just to let you know my Home Max speakers do disconnect sometimes but if you speak to them again a few seconds later they reconnect and work. This behaviour is also new they NEVER disconnected before the new software update 


thank you 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hello Anthonyplace,


Thanks for the added information. What is the make and model of your router? Would you know if iPv6 is enabled on your network?




fritz box 3490 ipv6 is not enabled 


There's a known issue where I've been told that Google/Nest devices will not work with WiFi 6, but I checked and this is Wifi 5 so that's not your problem

Community Member

What I would like to try if it were possible is to go back to the old firmware, sure google must have a way 

Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi Anthonyplace,


We appreciate your efforts. We'd be happy to take a look into this for you. When you get a chance, please fill out this form and let us know when you’re finished. We’ll have someone reach out to you via email from there.


@Biggsyboi: Thanks for helping here.




Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hey Anthonyplace,


We got your form and have sent it over to our team for review. Please check your inbox from time to time as someone will be reaching out to you.




Community Member

just a few more observations I have 14 speakers and 3 displays working on a Fritxbox mesh wifi with 3 nodes the system has worked perfectly for 2 -3 years (quite an investment) 

after spending an obsessive amount of time I find that the disconnecting is on stero paired speakers of the type original home and first-gen mini and mostly overnight  I am now running the problem pairs as single speakers to see if its one of the pairs, and the number of times I have heard "hold on whilst I connect to wifi " must be dozens when this happens one of the pairs goes into the unlinked section of the app ( ios ) then I can not link then because they are unreachable but unpowering both reconnects them as a pair 

The problem happens to all my Google and Nest speakers, paired or unpaired. But the same symptom as you wherein is mostly happens in the early hours of the morning

How long has this been happening to you 

For over a year. I've been emailing with Google tech support whilst they keep saying they're working on it, for almost a full year now

Community Member

That’s appalling I was hopping it was something to do with the last firmware update 



They told me it was because WiFi 6 isn't supported, even though my Deco system is backward compatible with WiFi 5

Community Member

I don’t have WiFi 6, I have separate named 5gb and 2.4gb it fails the same on either one 

Interesting, if you do email with support on this please could you let us know what they say! This has been going on for ages and I'm just not sure if they're being honest about what the cause is or if they're working on it

Community Member

Yes I will 

Just wondering if this has happened to anyone else. Last night I came home at about 11:30 so the first thing I do at the moment is check in the iOS iPad app if my google speakers are connected and I find that a stereo pair of google home are not connected, did not do anything about it . This morning I checked again and they had connected again, looked at the router logs doesn’t look like a power cut was responsible but could be wrong 

Community Member

Did the same last night lost connection I checked about 23:00 woke at 6:00 and it was reconnected 

Community Member

Just to let anyone interested know I swapped the router to a ISP supplied Plusnet  Sagecom router and all problems fixed the first gen home speakers have been in a pair for 3 days and perfectly working. 
I received an email from AVM Fritzbox saying that they know about a problem with Chromecast devices and to turn off N type WiFi go to WiFi settings and select WiFi 3 

still don’t know what changed to cause all these problems but something must have 

AVM said a fix would come 

Great to hear your issue looks to be resolved!

But what about the rest of us 🤣 we have a Deco system that just looks like our Google devices are just never going to work with

Tienes que llamar a soporte técnico y lo arreglan 

Community Member

No not there yet, ISP router isn’t very stable. And I still think the change was in the September google update. My routers have been running the same firmware since last June