03-14-2024 10:01 PM
I just got a nest hub (2nd gen) and 2 nest minis today and got them set up. I thought all was well until I realized the clock on the nest hub was an hour off. (displaying 6 pm at 7pm for example) I live less then a mile north of the Utah/Arizona border in Utah and from what I can tell, it's saying, time zone wise, I'm in Arizona, not Utah (Arizona doesn't observe Daylight savings) I can put my parents address in (they live about 10 miles into Utah) and it will correct itself, but I'd much rather use my address. Any suggestions?
03-15-2024 08:22 AM
Google Nest seems to rely on a Google database (perhaps from Google Maps?) that specifies a timezone for each address in the world. That database has errors in it. Google Nest seems to have no process for correcting such errors in its database, or even for acknowledging that there is such a database. In fact, some Google Nest Support staff act as if there is no such database, and instead tell the customer to factory reset their device in a futile effort to correct the problem; as a result, the problem does not get resolved.
Over the last couple of years, I've seen other posts from other customers in other parts of the world whose home addresses are also assigned to erroneous time zones, who also could NOT get Google Nest to address the issue. The only time I know of where Google Nest did address the issue was when much of Mexico discontinued daylight savings time, and even then it took them months to correct the problem.
Currently, some customers in border cities in Mexico have incorrect time zones, and Google Nest has not corrected the problem, or even acknowledged it (https://www.googlenestcommunity.com/t5/Speakers-and-Displays/Wrong-time-zone-DST/m-p/605559).
Customers in Queensland, Australia have had the same problem for years, and based on a new post, Google Nest has still not corrected it (https://www.googlenestcommunity.com/t5/Speakers-and-Displays/Display-show-incorrect-time/m-p/604686).
Google Nest Support, can you address this problem?
03-19-2024 11:03 AM
Hi there,
Thanks MplsCustomer for informing us of this important information. Sometimes it depends on the time zone where you live, there are some things you can attempt.
@Shad5521 I suggest you perform a factory reset of your Google Nest Hub, and set up the time zone again.
You can find more information in this article about How to factory reset Nest Hub and Nest Mini, also you can check the next article to know how to Set time, date & time zone.
Once you complete the above steps, reboot Google Home and confirm that the time zone is correct on your Home device. If that didn’t sync the correct time zone, try reconnecting to Wi-Fi, then select the Home device and head to its settings, then edit your location there. If the problem persists, ensure that your location is correct while setting up presence sensing. You need to permit the app to run in the background while using your location for it to work properly. I hope this information can help.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,
03-19-2024 11:43 AM
I don't know whether this will tell you anything or not, but perhaps it will give some indication of what's going on. Don't share any personal results; just see if it helps at all.
If you ask your Nest Hub, "Hey Google, what's my location?", does it give your correct street address?
And if you ask your Nest Hub, "Hey Google, what's my timezone?", does it give your correct timezone?
And if you ask your Nest Hub, "Hey Google, what is the timezone for [your town]?", does it give your correct timezone and time?
And if you ask your Nest Hub, "Hey Google, what time is it?", does it give the correct time and is it the same as what's displayed on your Nest Hub?
03-19-2024 12:02 PM
I think those queries I suggested may tell you that it is a problem in Google's database.
On the thread about the timezone for Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas, México, which the customer says shares the same time zone with Matamoros, Tamaulipas, México, I did a couple of tests on one of our Nest Hubs:
If I ask one of our Nest Hubs, "Hey Google, what is the timezone for Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas, México" when, for me, it is 1:44 pm US CST, it says "The time in Valle Hermoso is 12:44 pm."
And if I ask "Hey Google, what is the timezone for Matamoros, Tamaulipas, México" when, for me, it is 1:44 pm US CST, it says "Matamoros is in Central Daylight Time" and shows the time as 1:44 pm.
Note that the results for the two queries should be the same, because they are in the same timezone, and the wording is different in the two responses as well.