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google home mini not powering up

Community Member

recently my google home mini is not powering up like no sign no light  nothing just blank I have checked the cable and it is alright 


Community Specialist
Community Specialist

Hi @jamespokebeast,


Thanks for posting here in the community. I'm sorry to hear that your Nest Mini isn't powering up.


I'd also like to ask a few questions:

  • What kind of Google Nest Mini do you have?
  • Have you tried to use another wall outlet?
  • Is the official power adapter that came with the Google Nest Mini used on the device?
  • Was there any type of electrical outage around the time the issue began?

In the meantime, try the steps here:

  • Unplug the power adapter from the outlet and the Nest Mini.
  • Leave it unplugged for 20 seconds.
  • Plug the power adapter into the Nest Mini.
  • Plug the other end of the power adapter into a wall outlet that works.
  • Check if any LED lights appear on the back of the Nest Mini.

Let me know how it goes.


Best regards,


its google mini gen 1 i think i am trying with other power adapters because I am not able to find the one that came with the mini the back button show green light when it is clicked and no other sign of google mini starting I have tried many method but nothing works 

Hi @jamespokebeast,


I appreciate all your efforts. I'm sorry you're running into this situation with your Google Nest Mini 1Gen. I understand how frustrating it can be when your device still won't power up. 


I'd like to further check on this. My team would like to know more about this behavior. When you get a chance, please fill out this form and let us know when you’re finished. We’ll have someone reach out to you via email from there.


Keep me posted.


