12-08-2023 12:13 AM
Error code 83902 comes up when attempting to connect any Google device. Only pops up at the very last stage (after hearing sound, after connecting to router etc) - crashes after accepting “Set Up Google Assistant” , error message appears and process goes no further.
Have tried resetting devices. And phone. Have tried multiple devices. Have attempting changing languages as per some recommendations.
nothing works. All devices used to work up until 3 months ago. Now none do (6 different Google speakers)
12-09-2023 07:48 AM
There have been numerous other posts about the kgsk error domain 83902 in the last few weeks.
Google Nest does not seem to have an explanation. On one post (https://www.googlenestcommunity.com/t5/Speakers-and-Displays/error-83902-kgsk-error-domain/m-p/55415...), a Google Nest Support Specialist posted this:
"To help the team further look into this, please send feedback using the Google Home app, followed by the keywords 'GHT3 KGSKErrorDomain error -83902.'"
12-15-2023 12:17 PM
Hi folks,
Thanks for the help here, MplsCustomer.
Laura7, Since the steps didn't work on your end, we'd be happy to take a look into this for you. Please fill out this Contact us form with all the needed information, then let me know once done.
12-17-2023 03:45 PM
Form completed and submitted
12-18-2023 03:39 PM
Hey Laura7,
Thanks — we got your form and have sent it over to our team for review. Please check your inbox from time to time as someone will be reaching out to you.